. 3 - Keep it hidden.

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- Zak's POV -

I groaned as I slammed the alarm.
" shut up. " I mumbled quietly.

I hauled himself to my feet and walked over to the closet, suddenly my phone buzzed. I went to pick it up and it had a message from..
My heart fluttered at the name, I brought my hands my mouth as the same rising feeling in my throat came back, I coughed and coughed until I sighed and stared at my palms. Another petal, it was fine right?

I picked up the phone and unlocked it, checking the messages.

Darryl💕> Good morning muffin! Did you sleep well?

I laughed at the word "Muffin". It sounded quite nice to be called so, but it also felt so wrong. My fingers brushed against the letters on my keyboard, typing a reply.

yeh it wgs gud<Me

I sighed, closing the messaging app, as I packed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder. Today was going to be interesting.


I threw the school doors open and walked down the hallway, I spotted Vincent and hurried up my pace, my heart dropped as I saw Zelk talking with Vincent.

"Oh, hey Zak! " Vincent notices me first, giving me a fist bump.

"What's up Skeppy. " Zelk inquires, as he scans me up and down.

I took a glance at Zelk, and my gaze went back to Vincent.

"Yeah. Erm, I've got to go. I'll be right back! " Zak hurried, wanting to get as far away from Zelk as possible.

Vincent frowns at me, as Zelk raises a brow. I hurry and throw my backpack into the locker and grab my books and phone, I hurry off and open my phone.

My fingers instantly go towards Darryl's contact name as I type a response.

hi com to lisrary pls<Me

I waited for a response, as I walked down the hallway to the library, hoping Darryl would have read the message.

Suddenly my phone buzzes.

Darryl💕> Yeah, sure muffin! :>

My heart races at the words, heat rises in my cheeks. As well as a petal in my throat. I cough with my hand in front of my mouth, I stare at the petal and shove it in my pocket, I can't let him see it.

Suddenly a boy walks and pushes the doors open, their emerald green eyes scanning the room, with their glasses on the bridge of their nose, they suddenly spot me and a huge smile appears on their face as they prance towards me.

"Hey muffin! " Darryl chirps, as he gets closer to me. I look up into his eyes, getting lost in them for a few moments before responding.

"Hey Darryl. " I reply, looking at him.

"So, what'd you need? " He smiles at me, my heart starts to race. His beautiful smile. Suddenly I feel a not so beautiful petal get lodged in my throat, I try to gulp it down.

~ Forest Green ~ (SkepHalo)Where stories live. Discover now