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It was another day at the Dolan Warehouse, the boys had just finished filming a video for the following week and were taking a break. You and the twins practically grew up together, ever since Jersey, the three of you moved out together and went to online school together, you weren't a part of their YouTube videos but you helped them equipment and other stuff they may need, you were basically their assistant.

Right now you were all in the upstairs room laying around, Grayson and you were on the couch, your head on his lap while he softly put his hands through your hair while Ethan was on the floor on his phone. Although you were close with the twins, Grayson was the one you were always closest with

You guys just had more things in common, like waking up early, exercising, going out on adventures, you guys would do a lot of stuff together, causing for both of you to be closer

"Guys I'm bored" you whined sitting up straight and laying your head on Graysons shoulder instead

"Hi bored, I'm Ethan, nice to meet you" Ethan snorted at his dad joke and you chucked a pillow at him making Grayson laugh

"What do you wanna do?" asked Grayson holding your hand, a common thing between the two of you

"Ugh just date already!" Ethan whined chucking the pillow at Grayson as you sat up straight and separated yourself from Grayson a little, feeling embarrassed

It was no secret you both had a connection, but you both were two scared of what getting together would do to your friendship, especially at such a young age

"Ummm, how about we play hide n seek?" you asked

"Sure" said the twins at the same time making you chuckle

"Ok, I'll start counting first" you said, closing your eyes and starting to count. As soon as you were done you got up and walked out the room and started looking around the warehouse

You eventually found Ethan at the foam pit, it was completely accidental too, you had jumped down feet first hitting Ethan's private area, you got ice for him and went on looking for Grayson while Ethan recovered from the pain

You went downstairs and into their closet room where they have lots of clothes they don't use anymore

"Grayson?" you called out and suddenly he jumped at you scaring you, and also causing you to fall back and hit your head on the wall

"Nice one Dolan" you said as you held your head and laughed lightly due to your headache

"Sorry" Grayson said sheepishly crouching down to you, "feel better?" he asked and you nodded

"Ok let's go" you said as both of you headed towards the door, but suddenly it was closed and locked from the outside

"Ethan open up!" yelled Grayson, Ethan was the only other person with a key to the closet, and now he locked it

"Nope, sorry, Y/N hit me in the balls and this is revenge for that" Ethan said clearly still in pain

"It was an accident! How was I supposed to know you were in there?" you exclaimed, laughing lightly

"I don't know, and I don't care, have fun there guys, cause you're spending the night there, ok bye!" Ethan said rushing out of the there

"No! Ethan come back here!" Grayson said clearly frustrated with the situation

"I'm sure he won't leave us here all night" you said sitting down against the wall with the rest of the clothes

"Maybe...he probably went to go get pizza and then he'll come back" Grayson sitting across from you, then there was an awkward silence

"Sooooo...what's new?" you said trying to break the ice

"Oh, just stuck in the closet with my best friend because my brother locked me in here with her" he said with an attitude, clearly still upset about the situation

"Geez, I didn't know it was such a bad thing to be stuck in here with me" you said crossing your arms and rolling your eyes at him

"What? No, wait, I didn't-"

"Whatever Grayson, maybe next time you can get stuck in here with someone you actually like instead of me" you sassed

"But I like you! I'm not mad that I'm stuck here with you, I'm just mad we got locked up" he said, making your cheeks turn a tint of red

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just thought-"

"That I don't like you? Trust me Y/N, I like you very much" he said sitting besides you and pulling you into his lap

"Yea? What do you like about me?" you asked, softly pulling the hairs on the back of his head

"I like how natural you are, you're not fake like a lot of people out there, I like how your laugh can light up a room, I like how you feel comfortable in your own skin, never have I ever seen you embarrassed for wearing something or showing off something, I like how caring and kind you are with people, like when we went for ice cream last week and a kid dropped his ice cream, you bought him and new one when you didn't have to, or when you saw a little girl fall off her board at the skate park the other day, you helped her up and cleaned her up, I like that you're just you" he whispered looking between your eyes and lips

"Can I kiss you?" he breathed and you nodded quickly as he put his lips on yours, softly at first, tasting your sweetness and love

You pulled apart and touched your foreheads together, breathing heavily, "I like you too" you said making Grayson giggle

"That's good...would you maybe want to be my girlfriend?"

"I would love to be your girlfriend Bailey"

"And you ruined the moment" he said chuckling along with you

You looked into his eyes and kissed him, softly at first and then the kiss got needy, you turned your body so you were straddling him, his hands gripping your waist as you both kept in sync with the kiss, you broke the kiss, needing air, but Grayson continued down your jawline and to your neck, finding your sweet spot and biting down on it softly before sucking on it, careful with leaving a hickey

"Gray..." you moaned into his ear and your hips immediately grinded down on him making him moan into your neck

"Gray, let's take things slow" you said pulling Grayson up to look at you, he nodded agreeing with you pecking your lips and then hugging you, leaving the two of you happy to be stuck together and that things turned out the way they did and you had Ethan to thank for that, although he did end up leaving you both there all night

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now