Stork Approval

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A/N: This was a request from @bella_ian. Thank you so much for the idea of a part two to Storks! It was really nice to keep the story going, I hope you enjoy it!

s/n= son's name

ER= emergency room

Previously on Storks

"Y'know, we might not be able to give a baby ninja abilities, but we can certainly try" Grayson whispered into your ear

"Who knows, maybe we can" you teased as Grayson gave you a shocked look

"Daddy, I'm ready!"

"I-I'll be right there" Grayson stuttered as he stood up to go to s/n room while you went to yours and Grayson's room

As you were about to sit down on the bed, Grayson came coming into the room, taking his shirt and pants off, making you laugh

"What are you doing babe?" you asked

"We're going to order some babies from the storks, how about that?"

Three Months later

"Mommy! Look what I found in the park, a frog!" spoke s/n as he held the frog to your face

"Uh, sweetie please go put the froggy back" you said as the color from your face drained and you felt nauseous from looking at the slimy creature

"Ok mommy!"

You watched as your soon went back to the park to leave frog, but your visions started blurring and your eyes became too heavy to hold open

"Mommy? Mommy!" s/n yelled as he ran to your fainted figure on the bench

"Mommy wake up!" s/n cried as he tried shaking you awake

S/n quickly took your phone from your purse and called Grayson

"Y/N, I'm in an important meeting right now-"

"Daddy something happened to mommy, she isn't waking up!" s/n cried as he sat beside your fainted figure

"Wh-What?! Where are you guys?!"

"We-We're at the park near home"

"Ok, I need you to stay with mommy ok, did you try waking her? Shaking her a bit?"

"Y-yea, b-but she isn't waking up, I-I'm scared daddy" s/n cried

"It's ok buddy, mommy is going to be alright, I'm almost there, ok? Can you tell me what happened before mommy fainted?"

"Mommy was sitting on the bench and I brought a froggy that I found in the park, so I wanted to bring it to her but then she told me to put it back and then I saw her fall onto the it my fault daddy? Is mommy going to die?" cried s/n even more

"Mommy is going to be fine, I promise ok? I'm going to hang up now, I'm running to where you guys are" said Grayson as he hung up and ran to where you and s/n were

"Mommy, please wake up" whispered s/n as he clung onto you

"S/n!" called out Grayson as he saw your fainted figure and s/n


"It's ok buddy, I'm going to carry mommy now, run beside me ok?" Grayson said as he carried you bridal style and s/n ran beside him

"Please be ok" Grayson whispered as he kissed your forehead

Grayson drove to the nearest hospital as quickly and safely as possible

"Miss! Please help me, my wife fainted and she isn't waking up!"

"Medic! A bed for the lady, we need to rush her to the ER quickly!" spoke the nurse as she and other nurses put you on the bed

"Don't worry sir, please stay here and we'll take care of your wife, we'll call you if we need anything"

Grayson nodded as s/n clung onto Grayson's pants

An hour passed by and Grayson sat on a chair with s/n in his lap, deeply sleeping as he hugged onto Grayson for warmth

"Sir? You wife is awake if you'd like to see her" spoke the nurse as Grayson nodded and stood up with s/n still sleeping in his arms

"Y/N" Grayson said as he rushed over to you, carefully laying s/n next to you and then hugging you tightly, "You scared me so much, I-I-I thought that-"

"That I was going to die? I was just dehydrated that's all"

"Mommy?" s/n whispered as he slowly started waking up

"Hi sweetheart"

"Mommy!" s/n cried as he clung onto you, hugging you tightly, "I'm sorry mommy, I shouldn't have brought you the frog"

You chuckled softly, "it wasn't because of the frog sweetheart, don't worry"

"Then what was it?" Grayson asked

"Well, let's say the storks approved of the baby we ordered" you smiled at Grayson and s/n as Grayson cried from happiness and s/n smiled widely

"We're having another kid, thank god" whispered Grayson as he kissed you

"I'm going to be a big brother! I'm going to be the best big brother mommy, I promise!" s/n said excitedly as you and Grayson chuckled at seeing your son, excited to be a big brother

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now