Ruined Vacation

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A/N: This was a request from @takemetospaceee. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy it! Requests are open! Feel free to PM (personal message) me or request in the request page, happy readings!

Hawaii, a state with many islands that are each individually beautiful in their own way

But it was Honolulu the island that you and your boyfriend had decided to go vacation at for your one year anniversary

You would stay at the island for a week before going back home, and you planned to enjoy every single moment with him

"Is this really our room?" You asked excitedly with your eyes sparkling at how big the hotel room was

Grayson chuckled as he put the luggage to the side and wrapped his arms around your waist, your back to his chest

"Yea this is our room, for a whole week, we can do whatever we want" Grayson said as he attacked your cheek with kisses, making you laugh

"Grayson!" You said in between laughters

As the days went on you and Grayson did many different stuff

From surfing to diving and swimming with turtles and looking for waterfalls and exploring the island at night

Everything was perfect


At almost every place you and Grayson would go to, there was this girl who just kept trying to hit on your boyfriend

"Gray, there's that girl again" you scoffed as she sat two tables away from you and Grayson at a restaurant, clearly looking over at Grayson

"Baby, again with the girl, I'm telling you, she's probably here on vacation too and that's why we're seeing her everywhere"

"But every time we do see her, she comes up to talk to you, not me, you"

"Babe, it's fine-" Grayson said until suddenly a waiter accidentally spilled orange juice on you

You gasped and looked up as you saw the waiter apologizing with a worried face, but what captured your attention was the girl walking away

"Ma'am I am so sorry, th-the girl walking away bumped into me a-and-"

"It's fine, don't worry about it" you said to the waiter with a smile, calming them down as they left

"That girl obviously bumped into the waiter on purpose!" You said while Grayson rolled his eyes, sighing loudly


"No Gray, you know what, if you don't believe me, fine, go chase after then, maybe she'll give you something that I won't" you said, clearly done with the situation as you stood up and walked to the hotel room since you had been dining at the hotel's restaurant

Grayson sighed as he stayed for a while, contemplating everything that had happened with that same girl, it was clear that she did it on purpose to ruin their vacation, from hitting on to having some poor waiter spill orange juice on you

Grayson paid for the meal and stepped out to the beach, the moon shining brightly on the sand and water

"Grayson?" Someone said behind him as he turned slightly, only to see the girl who was trying to ruin his vacation

"What do you want?" He sternly asked

"Now, that's no way to speak to a fan is it?" She spoke seductively as she ran her hands over Graysons broad shoulders

Grayson immediately moved from her touch, making her scoff

"I can give you all the things she won't, you know" she continued as she stood out the side of your boyfriend, making Grayson turn to look at her

"I don't need or want anything from you" Grayson sneered

Meanwhile you were walking out to look for Grayson after you had changed

You felt bad leaving him like that, it wasn't his fault that some girl was trying to ruin the vacation

You walked down and saw him as you walked to him, but then you saw the girl next to him, they were talking

The girl had turned to the side and saw you out of her peripherals, she smirked and grabbed Grayson by the collar and kissed him

Grayson immediately pushed her off, "what the hell is your problem!" Grayson said clearly angry as he wiped his mouth, but all the girl did is turn her head to your direction

Grayson turned as well and saw a heartbreaking sight

You were standing there, shaking with anger and sadness with tears rapidly streaming down your face

"Y/N!" Grayson called out, but you had run away up to the hotel room

Grayson ran after you but you had locked the room to the door

"Y/N, please, it's not what it looked like" he screamed out, his heart hurting, "please...just open the door" he whispered, tears rolling down his face nonstop

So much had happened that he was exhausted, he sat down, his back against the door, tears still strolling down his face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Grayson whispered himself to sleep

You were on the other side of the door, crying your eyes out at the sight you had seen, your boyfriend and that girl, they shared a kiss

But you had seen it all, you had seen how the girl took Grayson and kissed him, and you had seen how Grayson had wiped his mouth right afterwards

You sighed as you finally came to to terms with it and decided that it wasn't Graysons fault after all

You stood up and wiped your tears away as you opened the door, only to have Grayson fall down onto the floor of the room and bang his head loudly against the floor

"Ah fu-"

"Grayson!" you said as you knelt down and held his head, "Baby, are you ok? Here let me take you to the bed" you said worried

Grayson grabbed your hands and just put them against his head, relaxing under your touch

"Y/N, I'm sorry, I-"

"No Gray, I'm sorry" you whispered as you ran your hands through his hair, "I saw everything that happened, but I still ran away, and I left you out there crying"

"Hey, in the end it's none of our faults" Grayson said, making you smile softly

"Yea" you said as you put forehead against his and he picked you up swiftly and took you both to bed after closing the door

"I love you" you whispered as you cuddled into Graysons chest

"I love you too Y/N, so much" Grayson replied, kissing your forehead and falling asleep with you in his arms

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