I'm Not Ready

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A/N: This was a request from @aboomdelacaca32. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you enjoy it!

d/n= daughter's name

"I'm pregnant" you whispered to Grayson as you stood in front of him outside the bathroom door of your room, with tears running down your face

"You-You're....you're pregnant?" he asked as you nodded with a sniffle and handed him the tests that said you were positive

"What do you want to do with the baby?" He asked as you didn't hesitate to answer

"Keep it, I want us to keep it" you said as you touched your stomach

Grayson's breath hitched, "I-I'm sorry Y/N, but I....I'm not ready to become a father yet, we're only sixteen"

"But we can do this, together, please" you said as you panicked at what Grayson said, but tried to hold in your fear

"I leave for L.A. tomorrow Y/N..."

"What? When were you going to tell me?" you asked surprised

"It was supposed to be a surprise....but I think it's for the best now, I'm not ready to become a father, we're too young, I still have lots of dreams and goals-"

"I do too! I have dreams and goals too and I definitely don't feel ready to become a mother either, but I want to keep this baby because it's something that we made together!" you said with tears in your eyes, "please don't leave me....don't leave us"

"I'm sorry, I really am Y/N, please try to understand" he said as he started walking away from you and heading out the door

"If you leave now then I'll never let you see them!"

Grayson stopped for a brief second before continuing to walk away from you

"Bye Y/N" he whispered to himself as he drove away from your house

You fell to the floor and cried your heart out, wishing things had turned out differently

The next day, you told your parents the news of your pregnancy and they were infuriated with you, they kicked you out of the house, leaving you with nowhere to go

You were walking around the grocery near the evening, hoping to by yourself something to eat with the little money you had saved and with a few stuff you took in a backpack, when you ran into Mrs.Dolan

"Y/N! Sweetheart, how have you been? I just left the boys at the airport this morning"

"Oh, hi Mrs.Dolan"

"Call me Lisa sweetheart, I'm sure Grayson wanted you to wave him off today"

"I don't really think so....we broke up yesterday" you said, making her gasp and ask why, and that's when you started breaking down, in the middle of the store as you explained everything to her

She gave you a tight hug that you didn't know you needed

"Oh Y/N" she said as she helped you buy the stuff you need and took you back to her home, telling you that you could stay with her

You were lucky enough that Mrs.Dolan had a kind heart and took you in, you had told her that you didn't want Grayson to know anything about your baby and she sadly agreed with you

Six years later and you had already given birth to d/n, she was beautiful and so sweet

You luckily finished high school online and started your own small business selling some stuff you like making and you were able to work from home, letting you spend more time with your daughter and help Mrs.Dolan pay any bills for the house

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