I Don't Want To Be Clingy

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"I don't know E, she's just been so clingy lately, I don't know how to tell her to back off for a moment, without like, hurting her feelings", those were the first words you heard as you walked into your shared apartment with Grayson

You hadn't known you were being clingy, you thought you were just be a loving girlfriend, you were making sure that he had everything he needed, his favorite snacks, his favorite drinks, maybe you just needed to distance yourself from him a bit if he felt like you were being clingy

You closed the door loud enough to let him know you arrived home.

"Gotta go E, Y/N's back home now, I'll see you here tomorrow" Grayson said as he hung up and walked to the kitchen

"Hey Y/N" Grayson said as he came up behind you to give you a hug

You replied with a simple hi and continued to put away the groceries you had brought home

"How did grocery shopping go?" he asked as he helped put away the stuff

"It went well, also you don't need to help me, I can do it on my own" you said with a bit of sass. Grayson was taken aback but let you put the groceries away yourself

The next day Ethan came over to help edit that week's video, usually you would come around and offer them drinks or snacks while they worked on the video, but this time, you refrained from it and just sat in the living room reading a new book you had bought recently.

A couple hours later Grayson came out of the room, "Hey baby, could you maybe get us some snacks?"

"Oh, they're in the top cupboard if you want to get them" you said with a smile and continued to read the book

A few minutes later Ethan left and so it was just you and Grayson at home, he went to the couch you were sitting on and just sat next to you. Usually you would cuddle up next to him for extra warmth cause you were usually cold, but you didn't want to be clingy so you decided not to.

"It sure is a bit chilly huh?" Grayson said as he rubbed his arms a bit

"Oh, we can change the thermostat if you want, that way it's not that cold" you said calmly

"I- uh, no that's fine, I think I'm just tired from editing, do you want to go to bed with me?" he said as he stood up and offered you a hand, hoping you would go with him and cuddle in bed together

"Maybe later, I'm not done reading the book"

"Do you HAVE to finish it now?" he pouted

"Um, not really, I guess we could go to bed" you said as you marked your book and got up walking past him to your shared bedroom

Grayson got into bed as you changed your outfit, soon enough you got into the bed, usually you would cuddle up onto Grayson and trace circles on his chest, but this time you just turned away from him and closed your eyes

Grayson was a bit surprised by this, taken that you ALWAYS cuddle up with him before going to sleep, he would never admit this to anyone but he loves when you trace circles on his chest, your touch helps him fall asleep.


"Yea Gray?"

"Is everything alright?" he asked as he turned on his side, facing your back, gently touching your arm

"Yea, why wouldn't it be?" you asked knowing where this conversation was heading to

"I don't know, you just...feel distant?" he said not even sure if that's what it was

"I just don't want to be clingy" you said, exposing it out there that you had heard what he told Ethan over the phone the day prior

Grayson's breath hitched and he turned you over immediately to look at you with tears threatening to spill in your eyes

"Baby...I am so sorry I said that about you, I-I didn't mean it, I swear, I just wanted to look manly, macho, you know...I-I didn't think I'd hurt you in the process and I am so sorry about that baby" Grayson whispered as he wiped your tears away

"I'm sorry if I am clingy though...I don't mean to be clingy, I just want to make you feel loved" you sniffled

"And you always do, every single time, when you bring me my favorite snacks, or when you cover me with a blanket when I fall asleep on the couch, when you do my laundry because I forgot, when you bring the groceries, when you cuddle with me when I feel cold, there's never a moment I don't feel loved by you, I love you Y/N" Grayson said and finished it with a kiss on your lips, a kiss mixed with your salty tears, yet you could feel his sweetness in the kiss

"I love you too Gray" you whispered looking into his eyes and then cuddling up with him, tracing figures on his chest until you both fell asleep

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