Twins Switch Lives For A Day

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This was a request from @Leah5106  thank you so much for this request, it was such a good idea! I hope this is what you wanted, if you have any other requests don't hesitate to reach out!

"The twenty-four hours begin now" the twins said at the same time as they had just started the challenge of switching lives for a whole day

"Well the challenge has officially started, let's go to our rooms...well I'll go to your room and you go to mine" spoke Grayson as they both started filming each other again

Soon enough they read the papers that had made for each other and did what they had to

"Oh no...I have to use his toothbrush!" whispered Grayson as he groaned while Ethan just used a qtip

As the night went by, Grayson went to sleep late using Ethan's schedule while Ethan went to sleep early

As the next day came, Ethan had to wake up early due to Grayson's schedule

"This is so annoying" mumbles Ethan as he stood up to get ready while Grayson was sleeping soundly

Around ten in the morning Ethan decided it was time to wake Grayson up the same way he does to hitting him with pillows

"Wake up Gray! Wake up! I'm bored"

"Ow, ow, you don't- you seriously don't need to do that" Grayson whined as he sat up quickly and laid back down, "you don't even look like me with all that fuzz on your face"

"I'll let you know, ladies love my fuzz"

"Tch, yea right...oh my gosh! What about Y/N! She's supposed to be coming over today! I promised her we'd go out later" Grayson said sitting back up

"We'll just figure it out when she gets here" replied Ethan as he left the room to shave off his fuzz

As soon as he finished there was a knock on the door, "Gray can you get that!" spoke out Ethan, not getting a reply, he sighed and walked over to the door in his Grayson like clothes to open the door

"Oh he-" spoke Ethan as he saw you only for you to kiss him straight on the lips

"Gray I've missed you so m-" you spoke as you looked up and saw that Grayson wasn't Grayson, that Grayson was Ethan

You brought your hands to cover your gasp as you looked at Ethan embarrassingly and Ethan just stood there with his eyes widened in surprise

"I-I-I, I thought you were Grayson, you're wearing his shirt and you usually have fuzz on your face I am so sorry" you rambled as you covered your face with your hands

"" Ethan spoke softly, "Gray's in my room, we're filming a video where we switch lives for a we have to do what the other would normally do in a day" Ethan mumbled

"Oh...ok yea that-that would make sense...Ethan I am so sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you"

"You kissed him?" asked Grayson as he was now awake

You and Ethan turned to look at him, you walked over to Grayson slowly

"Gray I thought it was you who opened the door, I-I didn't know you guys were doing this type of video, he was wearing your clothes and I thought it was you"

"But how can't you differentiate me from my own twin?" Grayson asked hurt


"Gray stop being so serious, it was an accident" Ethan spoke

"Tch, I bet you enjoyed your lips on his huh?" Grayson snapped at you

Next was the sound of your hand slapping him across his cheek, with tears in your eyes

"Get it through your head that it was an accident Grayson, you're making it seem like I should've known all along, well I didn't and if you can't see that then we might as well end it here" you said sternly as you walked out the door

"You're not going to go after her?!" asked Ethan

"We have a video to film" was all Grayson responded as went back to the room to get dressed and continue with the video

"Peace!" they said as they finally finished filming the video, the cameras were off, Grayson went back to an upset face, burying his face in his eyes

"Gray?" asked Ethan worried as he set a hand on his brothers shoulder

"I need to go apologize to her" spoke Grayson as he quickly got up and ran to the door, keys in hand to go to your apartment

You were in your couch in the living room sulking away at haven broken up with Grayson, it would be something you were regret in the future for sure

There was a sudden knock on your door, you walked slowly and opened the door slightly to see a panting Grayson at your door

"Y/N, please can we-" you shut the door while he was talking, feeling even more pain in seeing him

"Y/N please!" Gray shouted, "I'll wake up all the neighbors if I have to, I'll yell even louder"

You opened the door and let him in, not uttering a word as you closed the door looking at the ground, both of you standing in silence

"If you're going to say something just say it so you can leave already" you said harshly

"I-I...Listen, I'm so sorry I got mad at you earlier" he started, "I just...I was upset that your lips had touched my brothers, that's the worst feeling ever, having not just anyone, but your twin brother kiss your girlfriend-"

"It was an accident Gray! If I had known you guys were doing a video like that then I would've at least expected it, but you didn't tell me anything about the video, you just said that I could come over to hang out" you snapped

"I know, and it's my fault that I completely forgot to tell you about the video idea, and I'm sorry about that, and I'm sorry I yelled at you ok, it was just my emotions were taken over by what happened at the moment and I wasn't thinking straight, I-I'm sorry, please don't leave me" Grayson said as he facade fell and his eyes started to water as he fell to his knees

You ran to him and hugged him as he hugged you back, "Gray" you whispered as you too let the tears run down your face

"I won't leave you, I promise, I'm here with you" you said as he looked up at you with teary eyes

His hands cupped your face as his thumbs moves the tear stains down your face

"We're both a mess huh?" Grayson said trying to lighten the mood as you lightly smiled

"Yea...but I'd rather be your mess but someone else's mess" you responded

"Me too" Grayson said with a smile as he kissed your forehead and you both stayed in each others embrace

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