Self-Defense Instructor

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"You really don't need to take a self-defense class you know, just carry a pocket knife with you or something" spoke your roommate as you were getting ready to go to a self-defense course you had recently signed up for

"You know I don't like carrying weapons on me, plus, it's always good to know how to defend yourself without a weapon" you said as you waved your roommate goodbye and headed to the class

The class was just about five minutes away from your apartment so you simply walked there

You walked in and noticed there were a few women in the class, they all seemed a bit older than you

"Welcome! May I have your name for registration!" someone said excitedly as they startled you

"Y-Y/N L/N"

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled nervously at your reaction, "My name's Grayson and I'm the instructor for the self-defense class, it's nice to meet you" he said as he shook your hand

"Likewise" you whispered shyly as you had now taken notice of his appearance, a tall man with a mole on his chin, nice tan skin with wavy chocolate-like hair and hazel like eyes that if you could see them in the sun, you would be able to see a green color pop through them

"You can put your bag in one of the cubbies over there, we'll be starting soon" he smiled as he went to the front of the class to begin the lessons

You weren't sure what to expect from the class, but it definitely made you feel a bit safer knowing that you were beginning to learn how to defend yourself

"If you're able to, try to push down on their shoulder, while sweeping them out through the back of the heel to make them fall" Grayson explained

"Sir, could you show an example of that, I'm not getting it too well" one of the older women said

"Sure, any volunteers?" he asked as he scanned the small crowd

You looked around at the other woman as you sighed knowing none of them would get up, so you decided to volunteer instead

"Ah, we have a brave soul, thank you, now this is how it's done" he said as he started demonstrating the take down, swiftly taking you down, making sure you didn't land too hard and helping you get up

"Any questions? No? Right well, pair up with someone to practice" he said as they all started pairing up, but the numbers seemed to be odd, meaning you wouldn't have anyone to practice with

"Need a partner?" he asked

"Ah, a brave soul" you mocked playfully making him chuckle

You got in your stance as you did all the correct movements to take him down, but he didn't go down

"You need to be a little stronger sweetheart" he teased

You smile, "Yea?" you asked as you let the hand that was on his shoulder slide down to his waist slightly, startling him and then finally able to take him down, "Or maybe I just need to work my charm a little" you chuckled with a smile

"You have a beautiful smile you know?" he said straightforward with a smile

"It's not correct for a teacher to flirt with his students" you teased

"And it's not correct for a student to tease their teacher, but yet here we are" he responded back playfully

"Sir" one of the older woman's spoke, breaking you and Grayson out of your own little world, "will there be more you'll be teaching us tonight?"

"No, that's all, thank you everyone for coming, make sure to come next week to learn more lessons, have a good night everyone" he said as they all started packing up

You were the last one to pack your things up as you put your bag over your shoulder

"See you next week Grayson"

"See ya Y/N, stay safe"

Every week you went to class you would always learn new and efficient ways to protect yourself, and every week you were paired up with Grayson since the numbers in the class were still odd

"C'mon, teach me that new move you said you learned, please" you whined to Grayson as class was over and everyone else was gone

"It's not that easy to teach, especially when it's just myself"

"Try it on me then, you always do it for the other moves, this one shouldn't be any different" you pleaded with puppy eyes

Grayson sighed with a smile, "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you" he said as he slowly went through the move to show you how it would be done

"And when you put it all together" he said as he went through the move quickly and pinned you down, your hands above your head as he sat on top of your waist, "You end up like this"

"U-um, yea I-I don't think I'll try this position" you blushed and turned your head to the side

"But you said you wanted to learn it, c'mon, I already showed it to you and I bet you have it down already, try it on me" he encouraged as you nodded slowly and you both got up

You went through the move slowly at first to adapt your body to the movements you would do, then without warning him, you were able to pin him down, his hands above his head as you straddled him

"This is uh..." Grayson said trying to get his words out

"A compromising position?" you teased as leaned your face down closer to his, making his blush even more prominent


You smiled as you went to get up, but you just pulled back down and onto Grayson

"Can I...can I kiss you?" he whispered as his eyes roamed between your eyes and lips

At a loss of words you simply nodded, Grayson took this moment to turn the tables around and pin you to the ground, him on top of you as he pressed his lips to yours, taking in your sweet scent

You kissed back quickly as you enjoyed the way his soft lips felt against yours

Grayson broke the kiss with a small pant, "I should've taken you on a date first, but I just couldn't resist myself anymore, I really like you" he confessed

You smiled softly as you caressed his cheek softly, quickly, you switched positions and had him now under you again, make Grayson let out a breathy laugh

"I like you too"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now