Haunted House

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"This is a bad idea" were the first words you said as soon as you stepped through an open part of a barbed wire fence with the twins.

You and the Dolan twins had been best friends since diapers since your moms were best friends in high school, you were homeschooled while the twins went to a regular school, nevertheless, your moms being best friends meant you constantly saw each other, leading the three of you into a great friendship

You were close with the twins but you were closer with Grayson, he just always seemed protective of you, you couldn't lie, you were always attracted to him, not only by his looks but his personality, the way he could make you laugh like no other but he could also hold you in his arms when you would cry, he was just always there for you

Grayson felt the same about you, he had always been attracted to you, he fell in love with so many small details about you that you probably didn't even know you had, you had always been there for him, even when he had other girlfriends and they would break up with him, you were there to mend his broken heart all the time

Currently the three of you were going to a haunted house down the street you lived on, rumor has it that it's haunted by an old couple who died during a war that happened in that town, to say you were excited would be a lie, you hated spooky things, but the twins convinced you in going by taking you out to eat after you guys get out...if you guys get out

"Oh c'mon Y/N, stop being a baby" snickered Ethan as he held the fence for Grayson to get through

"But I am a baby, I'm literally younger than you guys"

"Only by (number of minutes/days/weeks/months/years)!" laughed Grayson as he walked up to you to hold your hand, just like he had promised he would do while you guys were at the haunted house

"Whatever, I'm pretty sure this is illegal anyway"

"Stop complaining Y/N, let's just go" Ethan said as he started walking, you and Grayson behind him

Ethan pushed the door open and turned on his flashlight, the house was still standing after all this time, it was surprising, you all walked in and the door closed behind you guys immediately making a loud sound

"Grayson, why did you slam the door like that?" you huffed already scared

"I-I didn't" Grayson stuttered, surprised the door had closed like that

Immediately afterwards there was a strong wind felt within the house and the window doors were opening and closing, you turned into Grayson's chest and he wrapped his arms around you, protecting you, once the little storm was over you looked up at him

"Are you ok?" Grayson whispered and you nodded, looking around

"Where's Ethan?" you asked, both you and Grayson looked around and didn't see him, until you saw a set of stairs

"Maybe he went up those stairs" you said as you guided Grayson up while he turned on his own flashlight

You got to the top floor and saw there were different rooms, you entered the first room that looked like a library, there were many different kinds of books, some that you had read before because you like reading all kinds of genres of books, then you moved up to the next room that seemed to be the bathroom, but still you couldn't find Ethan

"Grayson, I'm scared" you said with a shaky voice as you held onto his hand tighter

He stopped walking and turned to you, "Hey, it's ok, we'll find him ok? I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise sunshine" he said as he kissed your forehead and gave you a warm hug, soon you walked into the last room of the hall and it seemed to be a bedroom

There were old pictures on the wall of what you assumed was the couple who lived here, there was also a dresser with their old clothes and a mirror with a desk, on top of the desk was a jewelry box, you opened the jewelry box and there was a small picture of a man proposing to a woman

"Grayson look" you called Grayson over and he came, wrapping an arm around your waist and looked at the picture

"This is probably the couple the passed away during that war, they look so in love" you said just above a whisper, while Grayson looked at you, admiring your beauty, then the wind blew around the room again, this time moving things inside the room, you grabbed the jewelry box and put it against your chest so it wouldn't break, while Grayson wrapped his arms around you tightly

Soon the wind stopped, "Are you ok?" asked Grayson who still held onto you tightly

"Y-yea, I think so" you looked around and it seemed as if nothing had ever moved, then you looked at the bed, there were two rings with a note on it

"Gray, look" you said as you walked over to the bed and placed the jewelry box down

"There's two rings and a note?" he questioned as he got a hold on the rings and you picked up the note and read it out loud,

Grayson & Y/N,

We have been waiting for you two to come by, every couple that comes by never seems to be as in love as we were when we were alive, but you two have a connection like no other, take these rings so they represent the undeniable love you two have for each other.

With Love,

Adam & Marie

You looked up at Grayson, while he held the rings in his hands, "H-here, let me put this on your finger" he said as he held your hand and slid in the ring, it fit perfectly, and you slid in the other ring on Grayson's finger which also fit perfectly

"You know, I really really like you, hell I love you Y/N, and I can't believe it took the ghosts to admit it" Grayson chuckled as he looked down

"I love you too Grayson" you said as you lifted his chin so you could gaze into his eyes, he smiled at your words and leaned to kiss you

"That felt nice" you said once you two parted, he chuckled and nodded, soon you guys made your way out the house and saw a shocked Ethan outside of the fence waiting for you two

"Where were you guys? Why didn't you come out when I did?"

"We were looking for you inside bro, we thought you went upstairs"

"A-are you crazy? We are never coming back here again!" Ethan stated as you all started walking down the street back to your house

"I don't know, I kinda liked it" you said as you look down at your fingers intertwined with Grayson's, "Guess I'm not the baby anymore" you said making all of you laugh, ending the night just right

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now