A Funny Feeling

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My eyes fluttered open and I stared at the ceiling for several moments. The feeling of calm lingered just as long as it took for the stars to fade from my vision. Then the anxiety settled in like a large weight placed upon my chest, making it difficult to breathe.

I slowly sat up and shivered as the plush velvet comforter fell from my shoulders. I hadn't noticed if before, but Keegan kept his home frightfully cold. I hugged my arms around myself feeling the dark blue silk pajamas I wore slick beneath my fingertips. There was a large wardrobe in the corner filled with fine clothes for both men and women in various sizes. I wondered if they were things that had been left here, how many people had used this room over the years. Thinking about it gave me a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach so I stopped.

I glanced at a shiny, gold-plated analog clock on the bedside table and saw that it was almost one in the afternoon. Having vampire friends sure led to keeping strange hours.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Yesterdays' clothes sat in a pile on the floor. I gave them a sniff before deciding to filch something from the guest wardrobe.

No sweatpants. No sports bras. No t-shirts. Apparently, Keegan's typical guests and I were a breed apart. I grabbed the least intricate looking undergarments and the comfiest seeming article of clothing I could find.

I pulled the dark green maxi dress over my head. It was made of some soft clingy fabric embroidered with small lighter green flowers. It was a little long and the hem trailed across the floor as I walked around with bare feet. The three-quarter sleeves did little to battle the chill.

I found a clean brush in the bathroom closet and combed my hair leaving it loose in a vain effort to keep myself warm. I walked over to the small kitchen area and had a piece of cold pizza for breakfast (or lunch rather) before finding a toothbrush still in the plastic and an unopened tube of toothpaste.

When I finished brushing my teeth, I went to the door, standing before the polished wood with an apprehensive expression. I took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself for whatever lay on the other side.

I opened the door and stepped out of the room, nearly slipping and falling as my foot touched a thick square of parchment instead of the shiny tile floor.

I regained my balance and looked down. I stooped to pick up the piece of paper and noticed that my name was on one side. On the other was a message written in neat, slanting script:

I've gone out and will be back around 2pm. Don't touch anything you think you shouldn't.


I scoffed and threw the note aside. There was a large, expensive looking clock mounted high on the opposite wall. It read 1:26pm. I wanted to explore the house, but I also wanted to check on Zane. I shook my head and started towards the stairs. I could explore later. 

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