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"Lori, what are you doing?!" Zane called after me. I didn't know what I was doing I just knew I had to find Keegan. My heart was pounding in my chest and tears burned behind my eyes. I ran down a hallway and found myself in a large, expensively furnished conservatory. I dashed through it and came to a door. The music was reaching a fever pitch. I felt it coming like the blast of wind that proceeds a storm.

I plowed through the door and I saw Keegan sitting at the piano. He continued pounding furiously on the keys. The amber liquid in the crystal glass rippled with each note. I paused for a split second before storming up to him. Still he didn't look up and the music went on. I stood behind him considering resisting the strange impulse wrenching me forward.

I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight, my front flush against his back. The music came to a screeching halt. I pressed my face into the back of his neck and closed my eyes, my heart beating like a jack hammer.

"What are you doing?" he asked. His voice was quiet and deadly calm. I squeezed him tighter and said, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" The evenness of his voice alarmed me even more than if he had yelled. He stood abruptly, breaking my grip as easily as snapping a flower stem.

"Your clothes are there," he said gesturing mechanically at a small sofa in the corner. Yesterday's clothes lay folded in a neat little pile. My cell phone rested on top. I walked over to the sofa and picked up my phone. I tapped the screen, but it remained black. It was dead. Phoebe was probably having a fit.

"We can leave whenever you're ready," he said still not looking at me. He grabbed the glass of scotch and drained it.

"Keegan," I said softly stepping towards him. "I saw you. That means I'm supposed to help you."

"I don't need your help," he retorted grabbing the bottle of scotch and splashing some more into his glass.

"You're in pain."

"What's new?" he muttered into his glass as he took a drink.

"When I saw you with him...when I saw how deep the connection between you ran...It burned me up inside and I've only been in love with him for a few months. I can't even imagine how you must feel."

"Please, stop talking."

"I'm not trying to steal him from you, Keegan," I said.

"You're not stealing anything, Lorelei," he retorted setting his glass back on the piano and grabbing the bottle. "I already told you, Anton was mine...Zane is yours." I was quiet for a minute before saying, "But you are starting to see the similarities...or rather you are starting to ignore the differences. You're starting to think that maybe you could love both of them."


The bottle shattered in his hand showering the carpet with liquor and broken glass. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," he said. He stepped over the broken bottle and started towards the door. "Now come on. I'm taking you home." He left the room and I sighed before following, my clothes and phone clutched to my chest. I came back into the conservatory to see Keegan standing before Zane.

"I'm going to leave you unrestrained while I'm gone. Don't leave the house and please, try not to break anything," he said employing the same flat, emotionless voice he had used with me. Zane nodded and glanced at me. His eyes were shining with suppressed emotion. Keegan turned smartly on his heel and started towards the front door. I walked up to Zane. He took my hands in his and pressed my palms against his face.

Don't let yourself get hurt trying to get through to him. He's spent over two centuries building walls around himself.

The words echoed in my head and I stared into my eyes. I leaned in and pressed my lips gently against his. The warmth was already beginning to fade from his skin.

"I'll call you everyday day," I said pulling away. He nodded, his face still in my hands and added, "And text between classes." I smiled and replied, "Absolutely." He pulled my hands away from his face and planted a kiss on each of my palms.

"Goodbye," he whispered.

"Why do you say that like we're never gonna see each other again?" He swallowed hard and gave a nervous smile saying, "Just in case." I stroked his face once more before turning away and running to catch up with Keegan.

He opened the door for me when I reached it. I looked up at him. He wouldn't meet my gaze. I sighed and walked through the door. All the fear I had felt yesterday was gone. The dread that he would kill me for shutting Anton away had faded. All I felt for him now was pity. He didn't deserve it. I knew that, but I couldn't help myself.

He led me down the driveway and with a press of a button he unlocked the passenger side of his car. I got in without a word and shut the door placing my clothes in my lap. I saw Keegan through the window of the driver side door lighting a cigarette. Great. After a moment, he opened the door and slid into the drivers' seat, the cigarette clenched between his teeth.

I saw Zane standing just inside the open doorway. He waved at me. I waved back. A cloud of smoke obscured my vision and I coughed. Keegan started the car and we swung out of the driveway. 

Cursed (Book # 3 of Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now