The Library

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Phoebe and I had only visited the library once since arriving here. On Tuesday we had come to study, or at least that had been the intention. In reality we had spent the hours between final bell and dinner perusing the massive collection. One side of the library contained an impressive array of general fiction and nonfiction; stuff that one would find in any well-stocked library. The other side was devoted to reliable occult texts. Invaluable information for young Hunters.

There were old, sturdy wooden tables scattered haphazardly across the library. A row of soundproof study rooms along the west and east walls and in the middle between the general and occult collections were about twenty outdated, but reasonably well functioning computers. The library was the only room on campus where one could find a reliable Wi-Fi connection and semi-reliable cell service.

I sat down at a table near the computers to wait for Professor Mills and took out my phone. Just because I didn't have signal in most places on campus didn't mean I was ready to give up my only connection to the outside world. I switched on my phone and scrolled through my contacts finding Zane's number.

It was five o'clock on the dot. Approximately three hours since his last feed. It had proved a perfect window the last couple of days. He was neither too drunk nor too starved to be coherent. Typically, I called from the landline in the dorm room. A text would be a nice change, I thought.

ME: Hey, class is over. How was your day?

I sent the text, put my phone on vibrate and set it aside. Professor Mills wasn't here yet, so I pulled out my Hunter History book. We had a discussion on chapter one on Wednesday and Professor Chastain had hinted at the possibility of a quiz on Monday. He hinted at the same thing for Notable Hunters, so I had a bit of studying to do.

I hadn't even managed to finish rereading the introduction for chapter one when my phone buzzed. I grinned as I saw Zane's contact picture flash across the cracked screen. I had all weekend to study.

ZANE: Empty without you. Keegan was gone all day again. I don't think he likes me very much. How was your day? Are you in the library?

I frowned at the screen. According to Zane, Keegan had spent most of the last four days away from home, only returning to bring Zane his meals before leaving again.

ME: Of course, he likes you. He probably just has work or something. I'm sure the blood den doesn't run itself. My day was fine. Got homework in occult texts, modern lit, AND romance lang. Plus, I gotta study for a quiz Monday. You totally gotta help me this weekend and yeah, I'm in the library.

I had informed Zane that the library was the only place I got any signal on the day Phoebe and I spent over an hour perusing the shelves. That had been a short, yet very hot video call. He even looked good through my broken phone screen.

ZANE: Yeah, you're probably right. But even when he is around, he barely talks to me. He hardly even looks at me some nights. Ugh! I don't know why I even care. 😄 I look forward to helping you with your schoolwork. It all sounds very interesting. Send me a selfie.

I blinked at the last sentence and then smiled. I glanced around to make sure no one was watching and then snapped a selfie...or fifteen. I chose the least hideous one and sent it to Zane. After a moment, he replied.

ZANE: You look gorgeous, as always, but who is that guy behind you?

My brow furrowed. What guy? I checked the photo I sent and sure enough. I turned around in my seat and saw--

"Professor Mills?" I exclaimed. When did he get there? I literally checked if anyone was around before I took the picture. He smirked and said, "Please, 'Professor Mills' is my mother. Outside of class you can call me Zachariah or just Zach if you like."

He took the empty seat across from me and I stared at him. My phone buzzed in my hand, and I glanced down at the message.

ZANE: Lori? Is everything alright?

I hastily replied, "Yeah, everything's fine. That's my language teacher, Professor Mills. He wanted to meet me after class. That's why I'm in the library." I looked up at Professor Mills...or Zachariah? No, that felt weird. Welthea was one thing but using Mills' first name felt face grew warm for some reason. I looked back down at my phone as it vibrated.

ZANE: Don't tell me you've already gotten into trouble.

ME: No, nothing like that. He just wanted to talk.

I set my phone aside and looked back at Mills. He was staring at me, his expression bright with poorly concealed excitement.

"Is that him?" he asked, "Is that the Witch Hunter?" I sighed and glanced at my phone's dark screen.

"No, that was my boyfriend," I replied, and his eyes widened. He leaned towards me across the table and whispered, "The Terror?"

"His name is Zane," I snapped, and he held his hands up in surrender.

"What did he want? Is he asking about the school? Did you send him a picture of something? You're not actually allowed to do that. Even--"

"He doesn't give a damn about this stupid school. He was asking me how my day was and he wanted me to send him a pic because he misses me. Not that it is any of your business," I said before grabbing my phone. He hadn't replied yet. Usually, Zane responded within seconds.

"You're right. I'm sorry," Mills said, "But seriously you shouldn't send anymore pictures even if they are selfies. Students aren't allowed to even take photos that show school property."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Security measures. This place must remain a secret from those who don't already know about it," he replied. Then he smirked and said, "You'd know that if you had read the handbook." Once again, my face went red. He laughed. My phone buzzed.

ZANE: That guy really is a teacher? He's so young. What did he want to talk about? What's his first name? How old is he? Didn't you say you had a lot of work to do? He is distracting you. Be careful around these people, Lori. I mean it. He looks shifty. Tell him you have work and can't talk.

I almost laughed. Mills tried to not so discreetly look at my phone. I frowned at him and turned so he couldn't see. He smiled apologetically.

ME: Yes, he is a teacher. He wants to talk about Keegan. The guys obsessed with him. His name is Zachariah Mills. He's 19. Yes, I have work, but I've got all weekend to do it and a lovely boyfriend to help me. I will be careful, Zane. Talk later. I love you. *heart emoji-heart emoji*

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