Witch Hunter

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Phoebe's phone began ringing against and Zane said, "You should answer that. It might be important." He edged away from Keegan and lowered his arm catching a glimpse of the confused concern on Keegan's face. He felt so bad. They had spent most of their lives together and then he ditched him all because he was cursed to feel and knew Keegan would never understand. No...he had tried. He had tried going to Keegan. Begging for help. He didn't ditch Keegan. Keegan ditched him. His best friend. His brother. His sufletul prieten. Keegan hadn't understood back then, but the look of worry on his face now made Zane think that maybe he would understand now.

"I don't recognize the number," Phoebe replied prodding at her crystal pendulum.

"It might be Lori. You said she left her phone. She might be calling from somewhere else's," Keegan said turning away from Zane who exhaled silently in relief.

"OMG. I'm so dumb," she exclaimed, quickly answering the phone on the last ring. She held it up to her ear and asked, "Hello?"


"Oh my god. Pheebs! Why didn't you pick up the first time? I was so scared something happened!" I said feeling the tension in my chest ease.

"Sowwy. I didn't recognize the number. I found your phone in the couch, so I should've known it was you. Where are you? Are you okay?" she replied, and I sighed saying, "Yeah, I'm okay, I guess. What about Zane? Is he—" I cut out in panic at what I heard on the other end; Keegan's dreamy Irish lilt saying, "Let me talk to her." My heart began racing and my hands began trembling so violently I nearly dropped Jason's phone.

Was he in the house? How? Did Phoebe invite him in? I thought only someone who lived...well I guess she did live there. But why would she invite him in? Didn't she know that was the worst idea ever? Did he compel her? Were they outside? Did he take her somewhere dark and remote to torture her until she let Zane go? Oh God!

"Anton is fine. I came back around four to find your bestie out cold on the floor and you kidnapped by Hunters. Are you at the Academy?" he asked, and I breathed an audible sound of relief. He was still calling Zane Anton. He didn't know.

I glanced around at the four Hunters in the room knowing full well that they could clearly hear both sides of the conversation and I replied, "Yes." He sighed and asked, "Have they brainwashed you yet?" I almost laughed and replied, "No, not yet."

"Good. Can you leave?" he continued, and I sighed saying, "I've tried, but they won't let me. Apparently, they tricked my grandmother into withdrawing me from high school and enrolling me here and I have to live on campus. What's next, uniforms?"

He scoffed and said, "Put me on speaker phone, love, I want everyone in the building to hear this." I obliged and had to yank the phone away from my ear because he yelled, "Bad form, ya bloody ingrates! Tricking an old lady! Kidnapping a minor! And you lot think I'm evil? At least I'm not currently holding a girl hostage!"

As an aside he added, "I swear, Lori, I'm not. I've been nothing but civil to your pretty witch friend."

"And bloody hell! If you want her to live on campus, you're gonna have to let her go home and pack a bag first, you feckin' gobshites!" he continued and I covered my mouth to suppress laughter. The astonished looks on the Hunters' faces were utterly priceless.

"I don't care how far Eugene is from Jasper Lake. If you don't have her home within the next hour, I'll—"

"You'll what?" Headmistress Mills inquired and Keegan was silent for a brief moment before saying, "You sound familiar. Have I threatened you before?"

"Once or twice, Witch Hunter, now come on. What will you do if we don't return her within the hour?" she asked and there was a strange quality to her voice, a giddiness, like a child playing a game.

"I've clocked all six of your men, the juniors and the seniors. It was a bad idea putting Joshua Owens on our tail. He might decide to go AWOL and get a little vengeance," Keegan said, and I stared at the phone. The man was Joshua Owens, the man who drugged me.

"Owens is a professional. He wouldn't let something as petty as vengeance get in the way of the mission," Mills said. Keegan chuckled and responded, "Yeah, but I might. You have her back in an hour or their blood is on your hands, Addy." He hung up and I looked at the headmistress. The playfulness was gone from her expression. On the contrary, she looked positively shaken.

She quickly composed herself and turned to Clay asking, "Can you teleport her?" Clay looked at her and asked, "Are you sure, ma'am? We don't usually negotiate with his...type and I highly doubt he'll be able to take out—"

"Just do it, Mr. Alberich!" she snapped before whisking out of the room at the speed of light. I glanced at Clay and saw a look of upset confusion on his face. He shook his head and gestured to me. I neared him and he set his hand on my shoulder leading me out of the room. 

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