Joshua Owens

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"Little witch..."

"...Come on, Babycakes, wake up..."

"PHOEBE!" Keegan shouted, pitching a small rock across the threshold which hit Phoebe square in the side of the head. She awoke with a shriek springing up into a sitting position and clutching the side of her head where a welt was rapidly forming.

"Where's Lori? I've got Anton's next meal," he said standing up and holding out several bags of deep red blood. She slowly stood up still rubbing her head and muttered, "Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Then she looked around and gasped.

"Lori's gone!" she exclaimed, and Keegan's eyes widened sarcastically as he retorted, "Wow, really? I hadn't noticed! Where is she?" She squinted at him in confusion and then glanced once more around the room saying, "I don't...know."

He raised his eyebrows at her and snapped, "You don't know?" She shook her head and winced. She suddenly sighed and mumbled, "She's probably been kidnapped again."

"Again?" he asked. "Is that a frequent occurrence?" She made a face and muttered, "You'd be surprised." He sighed and leaned against the doorframe asking, "Then how am I supposed to come in?"

"Oh, I'll invite you—"

"It doesn't work like that. I can only be invited in by someone who actually lives here," he said, and she crossed her arms over her chest saying, "I do live here...for now anyway."

"Is your name on the deed?" he asked, and she shook her head replying, "No, but neither is Lori's. Her grandmother took possession of the house after her parents died. Now get in here."

"It's not going to—" He suddenly cut off and tilted his head to the side cautiously sticking his hand and one of the blood bags through the doorway. He almost thought he had gotten away with it when his skin erupted in painful red blisters.

He cursed and dropped the bag which she narrowly caught, her nose wrinkling in distaste as the contents sloshed around. He waved his hand through the air and muttered, "I can't believe I thought that would work."

"Maybe I just didn't say it right," she said. She really didn't feel like feeding Zane herself though there was something nagging at the back of her mind telling her she shouldn't invite Keegan in even if she could. However, she seemed to be having a problem with her short-term memory. Whether that was from whatever happened when Lori was kidnapped or from Keegan hitting her in the head with a rock, she didn't know.

"Try again. Here, I'll say it properly. Keegan, I invite you into this house which is currently the house in which I reside," she said in her most important and dignified voice.

"Yeah, like I'm going to fall for that again," he said handing her the other bags. She suddenly laughed and jumped back causing him to reach into the house. He made to jerk his hand back but then stopped. Nothing was happening. He tentatively stepped inside and inspected his hands. The blisters had already healed and there were no new ones forming.

"Huh...that's interesting," he murmured and then he started through the house saying, "We'll give Anton a little pick me up and then discuss this kidnapping business." She cringed at how casual he sounded.

They reached the basement door and descended the stairs to find Zane sitting on the floor with his bare foot pressed against the left chain. He was pulling with both hands, a look of intense concentration on his face.

"Anton," Keegan said but Zane didn't reply he just continued struggling against his bonds grunting quietly with effort.

"Anton," he repeated stepping closer with the bags of blood in hand. Still Zane ignored him, and Phoebe slowly began to remember why Keegan wasn't supposed to be let in the house.

"Anton!" Keegan said sharply and Zane snapped, "What?!" Keegan raised an eyebrow at him. He had given up on the chains and was now glaring at Keegan with angry black eyes.

"What's got you in such a mood? I've brought lunch," he asked, and Zane's eyes drifted hungrily to the plastic bags heavy with rapidly cooling blood.

"In case you hadn't noticed, my girlfriend has been kidnapped. How did you even get in here?" he retorted, and Keegan's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, I had noticed, but why do you care? Now we can charm the witch into letting you go," Keegan said smirking at Phoebe who crossed her arms in contempt. Zane stood up and moved towards Keegan, his gaze still flicking to the blood.

"They were Hunters, Keegan. I recognized one of their voices," he said so close they were nearly chest to chest. As long as he stayed angry, as long as he kept in mind the enemies of his race, the filthy hypocrites that kept snatching Lori away from him, he could make Keegan believe he was still Anton.

"Who was it?" Keegan asked staring directly into Zane's eyes. He could sense something was off like a tingling in the air. Zane's brow furrowed and his fists clenched at his sides as he whispered, "Joshua Owens." 

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