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Keegan's eyes widened and a grin split his face. Zane grimaced at his gleeful expression and made a grab for one of the blood bags. He may have regained his humanity, but he was still starving.

"Joshy-O?!" Keegan exclaimed moving out of the way before Zane could grab the bag. "Joshy-O kidnapped your girlfriend? That's so perfect!" Zane growled and raised his hand clamping it down on Keegan's shoulder so he could wrench one of the bags away from him.

"Um, excuse me, but who are we talking about?" Phoebe asked quietly, watching Zane retreat back towards the wall and sink his teeth through the plastic. He thought it would be hard. Knowing that the blood came from some innocent hypnotized victim, but as soon as it touched his tongue everything was washed away. He tried to retain his senses, truly he did, but the noise around him faded until even the sound of his own thoughts were drowning in mouthful after mouthful of blood.

"He was a Hunter we came across about twenty-five years ago in Las Vegas. Anton was a smash hit at the poker tables, so good in fact that we were accused of cheating and brought into the back to meet with the owners," Keegan said with a sigh.

"Turns out that particular casino had a problem with vampires because their security was headed by a young Hunter with a pretty little wife and an even prettier little daughter. He kicked us out, took our winnings, said he would sic his team on us if we ever stepped foot in Vegas again.

"Anton flew into a rage. We didn't really need the money, but it was the principle of the thing and I wasn't above a little revenge, so I seduced his wife. Stole her right out from under his nose no muss no fuss. Made her my plaything for a few glorious days before ripping her throat out and sending her home nothing but a bloodless corpse," he finished with a nostalgic sigh. Phoebe watched him with fear-widened eyes. He grinned and continued, "But that wasn't enough for dear Anton. No...he wanted our money back and he knew just how to get it. 'Let's ransom the child!' he said. And we did. Got back every cent of our winnings.

"But you see, Anton could never pass up the chance to drain a child. Not for as long as I've known him. He killed the girl almost as soon as we took her—"

"Then how did you get the ransom?" she asked horrified but captivated. It didn't feel real. After all, twenty-five years was a long time ago to a sixteen-year-old girl and time turned all tragedies into fairy tales.

Keegan grinned and glanced at Zane who had finished his appetizer and was now searching for the main course. His ears were numb to the story Keegan was weaving, deaf to all but the pounding bloodlust throbbing in his head.

Keegan held out the second bag and Zane lunged at it tearing at the plastic without even removing it from Keegan's grasp. Blood spilled down his chin and Keegan sighed at the waste as he said, "He turned her. He made her like us and then sent her home. Joshy bought it just long enough for us to get our money—"

"And then he had to kill her. I followed him home so I could watch. It was positively horrific," Zane pulling away from the second empty bag. He could recall the incident in perfect detail, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to feel as bad about as he thought he should. His mind, his regrets, were silenced by the feel of a nearly full stomach.

Keegan tossed the empty bag aside and presented Zane with a fresh one saying, "It was horrific. The screams. The tears...the blood..." He sighed wistfully, watching Zane prize open the corner of the bag with teeth stained red. He looked up at Keegan, his face twisted with some unreadable emotion and he opened his mouth. The words forced their way past his lips though he fought to stop them.

"Oh, God, Keegan. Bring me a child next time. I fear I've forgotten the taste of something so pure," he moaned, and Phoebe's brow creased. Her memory was returning slowly but surely and something about what he just said felt wrong. It was on the tip of her tongue.

"A spectacular idea, Anton. When the time comes for you to feed properly again, I'll bring you a nice, juicy toddler. How's that sound?" Keegan inquired ruffling Zane's hair with his free hand.

"Mmm," Zane replied already in theprocess of emptying the third bag. Anton?Phoebe thought and then it came crashing down on her.

Cursed (Book # 3 of Hunted)Where stories live. Discover now