Chapter 6

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Present Day~

Pucca and the Gang were sitting on their Usual table, But Garu was asleep on the table cuz he went on a late night Mission. Pucca stared in Awe at the sleeping boy's face. Until Ringring walked in the restaurant, with tinted shades on. "ugh, it's Ringring.." Ching said while looking at Ringring enter like pop star. " ohh lah, lah,"Ringring said while removing her shades and noticing Garu was here.

She skipped over to Pucca's table, and sat next to Garu as flung Abyo away with her hair. which made Pucca make an angry face. " what're you losers looking at? Go away already!" Ringring said while kissing Garu's cheek. "huh? who are you callin' losers..!?" Abyo said while ripping his shirt off.

Ringring let out a sigh " I Guess Garu's the only sane one out you 4, Abyo's shirtless boy, Ching's a poultry girl, and Pucca's the Noodle girl who'll never get Garu's love..!" Ringring giggled while pecking Garu again. " Hey! you can't talk about me or my friends like that..!"Ching said while drawing out her sword and pointing it to Ringring. "oh you wanna fight me..?"Ringring said as her face turns red (cuz of her power) and her hair getting longer which made her levitate. " hey..! if you wanna fight, take it outside. " Uncle Ho said while pointing to the door. " well whatever, fighting you will only make me filthy.." Ringring said while walking out of the Restaurant. " would it be wrong to punch a girl..?"

A familiar voice made Ching and Pucca look behind them it was garu. "what's this..?" Garu said while rubbing a pink colored substance from his face. " It's Lipstick.. from when Ringring was Pecking you.." Ching said while putting away her sword. " and she had the Guts to insult us.."Pucca slammed the table with her clenched. " she called me 'Poultry girl'" Ching said while petting her Little Chicken. "..And she called me shirtless boy..!!" Abyo said as ripped his shirt off.

" well, Abyo, yours is true"Garu said removing a piece of his clothes from his face. "huh?! but Ringring didn't even say anything about you, cause your her crush..cause your such a catch.." Abyo said putting an Sarcastic emphasize on 'such' while fluttering his fingers at him.

Garu rolls his eyes at Abyo. " So.. why're you guys telling me all of this...?" Garu rubs his eyes. "so you'll do something..!" Ching said while shoving her Chicken in Garu's face. "Like what..?" Garu pushed Ching's chicken away from his face. " maybe we could give her a taste of her medicine..!" Pucca smiled at Ching. " that's not a bad idea Pucca"Garu smirked. "y-yeah.."Pucca scratches her head. Ching shakes her head and grabs Pucca's hand and takes her to the bathroom.

"I'm just gonna go ahead and say it, Girls are weird.."Abyo said while sitting down on the table Garu nods in agreement. " Pucca.."Ching Squinted at her. "yeah..?"Pucca said while giving her a confused look. "when was the last time you had a conversation with Garu..?" Ching questioned her. "um so there was that when.."Pucca stopped to think. "Pucca, since Garu's oath of silence expired, you've been avoiding him..why?" Ching said putting her hand on Pucca's shoulders. "well.." Pucca let out a sigh. " I don't why exactly but now that Garu can talk, his voice is really...and..."Pucca stopped to cover her face. " Say no more, I'm gonna help you Pucca..!"Ching promised while they trudged through the door.


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