Chapter 6 *

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Haru's PoV

A day has passed after the very interesting end of the last swimming training session.

I ducked my head under the water and thought about the kiss again. I'd just pressed my lips on his without thinking... but he kissed back, why did he kiss back?
When I emerged again, I saw Makoto standing in front of me.
"Makoto, say something," I said, a little shocked to see him standing there, I didn't even hear him coming in this time.
"Excuse me, Haru"  he said and rubbed the back of his neck with a smile.
"It's alright" I said with my usual poker face and got out of the tub, quickly going to my bedroom to change into my clothes.
After getting dressed, I came out of my room.
"Come on Makoto" I said and went out to make my way to school.
Makoto walked beside me, but I got the feeling that he was behaving differently than usual.
"Makoto is something wrong?" I asked, I wasn't normally the person to express my feelings openly or to talk about the feelings of others, but yesterday you saw how good I am at expressing them. I lay in bed late last night thinking about what Rin said so I decided to go to school no matter how disgusted I was by the thought, I always felt like I wasn't at school to spend the time with my mom, now she's gone and yet I never had the renewed joy of going to school every day. "Huh.. no everything's fine, it helped you talking to Rin didn't it?"
"Well, a little bit.." I got nervous at the question and blushed in my face up to my ears, so I walked faster so Makoto wouldn't see.
"Yes, kinda" I said bluntly, running even faster.

Makoto's PoV

Haru was acting really damn weird this morning.
He also always avoided me when I pointed out the conversation with Rin.
And all the time he was even running and I think I even saw his ears getting red.
Surely it's getting colder outside, it's already September, I hope he hasn't caught a cold.
I really hope he gets better soon.

Rin's POV

A day passed after Haru kissed me and then just walked out of the pool.
I don't know how to judge it, that means he immediately regretted it or he was embarrassed, I kept having the same thoughts in my head and that was yesterday at the swimming pool.
"Hello, Matsuoka-senpai, are you there?" Aichiro said and knocked uncertainly on my door.
"Yes, come in," I said to Aichiro.
With my words, Aichi came into my room.
"Matsuoka-senpai are you alright?"  he said in a slightly uneasy voice.
"Yeah, why are you asking that?"
"Well, well, I don't know, maybe it just feels like it, but you're kind of redder than usual senpai," he said irresolutely.
I only blushed at his words, hopefully he didn't hear what I said out loud to myself earlier about Haru.

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