Chapter 3 *

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Haru's PoV

Makoto, Nagisa, Rei and I were late and sat down, the class started, it felt like an eternity and I really didn't feel like I want to listen to the damn lesson.

After an eternity and a lunch break we finally finished school we were just about to go out when suddenly the teacher called me over, I told the others to wait outside for me.

I said in my natural tone, "What can I do for you, Fushimaso-sensei" "Sit down," he said even more sternly than usual.

He started to talk: "Well to put it very clearly Haru, maybe it would be beneficial not only for me but also for your future if you could tempt yourself to come to school more often than occasionally and then on time".

"My question is, can you explain this to me?"

I thought for a moment whether I should answer him at all, but then I answered "not really" as monotonously as he did and was about to get up again when he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

I looked at him unmistakably angry and said "Let go of me" and pulled my arm back, but his grip was too tight. "Sit down" he just said.

So now I sat down angry and then he let my hand go.

"What I mean by that Haru and without unnecessary social sermons, if you don't come to school more often and work hard on your grades, then I'll personally take you off the swim team."

My inner self showed such a desperate look, but I didn't want to give him that satisfaction in seeing me like this, so I kept my normal gaze in his direction. I just nodded and left the classroom normally at first, but when I was outside and was sure I was out of the reach of Fushimaso-Sensei I got faster and faster and you could see from my walk that I was really fucking angry.

From the school grounds down to the train station, I was still walking as fast as if I were about to run.

After a while I finally thought of my friends and turned around desperately because I hadn't noticed the whole damn way that I had completely forgotten them on the way to the Samezuka swimming pool.

Oh the Samezuka, I heard that Rin is back, they even said that he is the captain of the swim team there, I missed him when he left, after that stupid bet I won my chest contracted so strangely and when I did then actually heard that he was gone, I just lay in bed for days and couldn't believe it, he became such an important part in my heart in such a short time, after our first relay I felt special, I knew not exactly how, but definitely different.

Then I turned around completely, "Oh Hey Haru" Makoto said to me.

He, Rei, and Nagisa seemed to have been behind me the whole time, but so quiet that I didn't even notice.

We got to the train station to late because of my fucking, stupid conversation.

Since I didn't want to wait any longer and the train wouldn't come for about an hour anyway, I said "Let's go" and ran towards Samezuka.

We were half an hour late for training, but it was still faster, as if we had been waiting for the train, then probably everyone would have left here.

But when I saw Rin and his beautiful shark grin from the corner in front of the door, my heart became very warm, but I couldn't really be happy because I constantly had to think about the conversation with Fushimaso-Sensei.

As we entered the indoor pool, Rin asked me what was going on, but I just couldn't answer.

As always, I undressed in the middle of the hall and jumped into the water where I then swam back and forth lane by lane, but the voice of Fushimaso-Sensei kept reverberating in my head when he said he'd take me out of the Swim team.

I didn't notice that everyone had already left the Samezuka and that my friends were standing in front of the pool and looking at me fearfully.

Makoto's PoV

I've been worried about Haru since school ended, but unfortunately he doesn't talk to me or to the others.

I would rather not do it, but I think I should ask Rin for advice.

Why didn't I want to do it? Quite simply, I liked Haru, I liked Haru more than just a normal friend, we had been very close since we were children and could always tell each other everything, but then Rin came to our elementary school.

Yes, I admit, Rin is of course a good friend of mine too, but I always have the feeling that Haru changes when Rin is around, and I don't like that.

Sure, maybe it's my fault that I just like Haru a little too much, but there's nothing I can do about that, right?

So I finally turned to him and started to talk quietly "Um ... Rin?", "Hmm yes, what can I do for you, Makoto?"  He answered me but kept looking at our mutual friend in the pool the whole time and I could swear that his eyes even glittered at the sight of him but I had to continue now "Can we talk for a moment?" I asked word for word a little quieter.

"Sure, come with me", so we went a little further away from the others and I started to talk. "Rin I think only you can help Haru" "What are you talking about", he asked confused.

"You are not stupid, Rin, Haru behaves differently than usual" "Well, I have noticed" "Listen, I'll only say that once, after school Fushimaso-Sensei wanted to talk to Haru and then he behaved strangely, almost angry but he doesn't want to talk to us so please talk to him and I'll take the others and we'll go" "Well, I can't tell you if I'll help but of course I'll try to help him, thanks Makoto"     "For what?" "Because you trust me, Idiot"

Rin's PoV

After what Makoto told me, I wanted to know more than ever what was going on with Haru.

But apparently he didn't want to talk to the others about it, so why does Makoto think I could get him to?

5 minutes later I saw that Makoto, Rei and Nagisa were already gone, I looked outside again to make sure that I and Haru are all alone now.

After an hour in the water, Haru suddenly stopped swimming and stood in the middle of the pool.

"Haru?" I said a little worried.

"Are you Okay?"

But no matter what I said, he doesn't answer me.

Suddenly I heard what sounded like a sob and so I jumped into the pool as fast as I could and swam over to Haru.

RinHaru Fanfic 💫 (Discontinued, Sometimes editing)Where stories live. Discover now