Chapter 7

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It would seem the Hyuuga girl had a few surprises. The said girl lay in the infirmary bed, pale and motionless. Her short dark hair tinted purple in the light, giving color to the white room. Her petal pink lips opened, a soundless sigh escaping from them.

It would seem she was having a bad dream.

To think, the girl who was a statue of fear in front of him was capable of such a confession. Then such a spectacle in the class.

He glanced at the book in his hands, then back to the girl. He had not meant to invade her privacy. He was reading, minding his own business when she and the blond boy had wondered there on their break. He had every intention on ignoring them, as it was not his allotted time to spend with her, but the blond was making rather bold advances. He offered to push her on a swing? He knew well enough that was flirting among that age group. When she gave him a bento, he was taken by surprise. By her demeaner, he had not expected them to be close.

What had followed was… Interesting. Perhaps he should have felt jealous, or perhaps upset. However, he did not have any personal feelings for the girl. She was simply someone he was required to meet regularly, and one day marry. Other then the paper that bound them, he did not have specific thoughts of her. Nor did he expect he would. She was… much younger then he. In fact, it was almost appalling they expected him to marry someone so young. Yes, shinobi matured many times faster then normal kids, however it was not an appealing thought to him.

When he watched her state her marriage to him, he did feel proud. It meant the girl was raised properly. It would seem he wouldn't need to fear infidelity with her. It was something he appreciated.

But, even if she did date the blond, he would not have minded. She was not his type, nor did he really care about her loyalty until they married. After all, he had someone whom he was seeing as well. The thought of Izumi was intrusive as he watched the scene. Would the day they parted be so dramatic? When they had gotten together, both of them knew it would only be until he was married. He, despite being forced to marry, was still faithful. She had agreed, saying their time together would be theirs nonetheless. The Hyuuga's eyes filled with tears. Would Izumi also cry?

He watched the girl run, leaving the blond flabbergasted. Poor boy, he probably did not take rejection well. Bright blue eyes stared at her, and he watched as the boy clutched the bento to his chest.

"I… Think I love her!" The boy exclaimed, much to his surprise. On what premise did they think love was plausible? It hardly seemed like they talked to eachother before. Yet, the Hyuuga was so passionate. Now, the blond also stated love? He watched as the boy ran inside, a look of determination on his face.

How… Odd. Were such little kids capable of love? Of what they had both claimed? Out of curiosity, he followed. He was hidden in the shadows of the ceiling when the next show started. The Hyuuga had puffy eyes, and raw cheeks. She was obviously upset. Perhaps they were capable of love?

Then, he watched the scene play out like a love novel.

Kids. They… Grew surprisingly fast.

She fainted. He watched as the teacher scooped her up, and took her away from his brother and the blond.

Naruto. That's right. His brother had invited him to their house before. He would have to take note of him.

And now here he was, sitting next her bedside. It was not their allotted time, yet he felt it wasn't a hassle to sit at her bedside. The air about her was calm while she slept. It was much different then the little ball of anxiety she exhibited herself as at the contract signing.

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