Chapter 5

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"Hey, is Brad here," I asked Jill that afternoon on Sunday. The whole family had just arrived back from church, since they went every week.

"Yeah, I think he's up in his room," Jill replied.

"Thanks. We were going to practice for band together," I informed her, holding up the case for my clarinet.

"Oh... He's been practicing so much lately. Are you sure you need to practice right now?" His mom didn't seem thrilled with our plans.

I laughed faintly as I reassured her, "Don't worry, Brad will get better the more he practices."

"Yeah, I know," she reluctantly agreed, me bounding up the steps before finding the correct room.

I knocked before Brad called, "Who is it?!" He had gotten his own room recently since their dad, Tim, was sick of him fighting with Randy so much. Randy had to bunk with Mark though, which he was not thrilled about.

"Katie," I answered.

"In a minute," he yelled back, eventually answering the door as he adjusted his sweater. "Hey." He smiled nicely at me before I entered the fairly messy room. I assumed he had been changing out of his church clothes, since his black suit was already draped over a swivel chair nearby. "So, you ready to practice?" He was already going over to where his saxophone rested against the side of his bed, the music stand already adjusted in front of it.

"I can't believe how much you've been practicing lately," I admitted.

"Yeah, mom can't either, but dad's old teacher made me want to practice more," Brad shared. "So, do you want to start first or me?" We both were on the same composition, despite having different instruments.

"You can, I still need to put my clarinet together."

Brad proudly put the mouth piece up to his lips, blowing through it as the sound came out loud and sort of squeaky off and on. I forced a believable smile as my ears hurt from the noise.

Thankfully I was able to block out enough that my clarinet sounded alright, just effortlessly going through my notes.

"How did you get so good," Brad wondered after the song ended.

I shrugged before telling him, "I don't know. I think it's one of my natural talents."

"I wish it was one of my natural talents," Brad emphasized, looking down at the floor.

"Come on, Brad, you're great at soccer. You're pretty much a professional. I pretty much just play music by ear. I would have a long way to go if I ever wanted to make it into a career."

"Yeah, but at least you sound good," Brad emphasized, Randy just then poking his head through the door after opening it.

"Am I interrupting something," Randy asked. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as that dream flashed through my mind from the previous night.

"Hey, Katie," Randy greeted, since we were in his house. I was sitting on their couch as he walked over. "You know, you're really pretty," he suavely said.

"And you're really cute, Randy," I spoke. Then he was kissing my lips softly and I kissed him back, before the dream switched to a weird one about talking fast food.

"No, we were just practicing for band," Brad informed his brother.

"Oh yeah, then why is Katie's face all red?" Randy nodded towards me after sitting backwards on Brad's chair.

"I don't know. Maybe it's hot in here or something," Brad guessed with a shrug.

"Nice try. Dad just broke the thermostat. I'd say it's at least 60 degrees in here," Randy shared.

"I wondered why it was getting a little chilly," Brad confessed, shivering for a moment.

"So... you and Katie," Randy teased with his mischievous smile.

"No, me and Nicole. I'm already taken. Do you seriously think I would be cheating on her?" Brad stood as he put his music and saxophone away.

"No, I guess not, but that still doesn't explain why Katie's face is red."

"Maybe she's sick! Why don't you leave us alone?!" Brad was loosing his patience with his brother.

"Fine." Randy held up his hands before heading for the door.

"So, why is your face all red," Brad directly asked me.

"Can you keep a secret," I questioned, messing with my fingers as my palms grew sweaty.

"Yeah. What's up?" He came back to sit next to me as I struggled to find the right words.

"I had a dream about Randy last night. We sort of kissed in your house."

"Are you saying you like my brother?"

"No," I shot out probably too quickly. "No, but Nicole kept saying how she thought we liked each other, and then I had that stupid dream. Now I feel awkward around him."

"Yeah, but it was just a dream, and you don't have feelings for him, right?"


"Then what's the problem?" He was clueless on what I meant.

"It's just awkward! Haven't you ever had a dream you kissed a girl, and then it was awkward?"

Brad thought for a moment before shaking his head a tiny bit. "No."

I sighed before I stood up. "Just, please, don't tell, Randy."

"Don't worry, I won't," he emphasized.

"Well, I better go. Wilson's making lunch," I told him.

"Okay, see ya," Brad casually reacted, me running out of there so fast that I almost ran into Randy on the stairs.

"Whoa, you okay," he checked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I stammered before bolting for the door. Hopefully I would feel more normal by Monday.

A/N: Hey guys, I enjoy writing for this story so much. <3 I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you did. Thank you! <3

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