2.2. We Are Venom

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Time skip

It has been a year since Izuku became part of Sentinel organization and started his training. Izuku has been pushing himself over his limits all the time thanks to the training from Major Nagumo. At start Izuku was weaker than others, but with Majors help he managed to become totally equal with others. Speaking of other people, Izuku, Luke and Josh became extremely close, always covered for eachother and looked at eachother like real brothers, like family.

We are going to our three boys waking up for another day of training.

Josh: Man, my ass hurts, what have you done to me while I was asleep.

Izuku: Don't be so full of yourself dude, you just fallen from bed, if nothing else, you should be apologizing for ruining my sleep.

Luke: Yeah man, I couldn't sleep for another hour after that.

Josh chuckled: Sorry about that, I hope Major will go easy on us today.

Then somebody knocked on their door.

Luke opened door to see Major Nagumo.

Guys: Major Nagumo, sir!

Nagumo: At ease boys. I came here to tell you that Nolan wants to see you.

Guys were confused, Nolan never talked to them during that year of training.

Izuku: Do you know why he wants to see us sir?

Nagumo: He didn't tell me.

This made guys even more anxious, becouse Nolan and Nagumo were accually a good friends, so keeping secret from him must've been really something.

Time skip to Nolan's office

Boys were standing before generals door, until Izuku found the courage to knock on the door.

Nolan: Come in!

Boys went inside the office to face general.

Boys: General Nolan, sir!

Nolan: At ease. Now why those scared faces boys.

Luke: Well sir, this is the first time you called for us.

Nolan: Ah, I see, well I wanted to tell you about something.

Luke: What is it sir.

Nolan: I have selected you three to take part in our project Symbiosis.

Izuku: I never heard of that sir.

Josh/Luke: Us neither sir.

Nolan: Few years ago, a meteorite fallen into a location, which I can't reveal for safety reasons. Our organization send troops along with our scientists to explore the crash point. What they found there were some kinds of metals along with 3 capsules. They took them into our research center to examine and all of us were shocked. Those captules contained an inteligent lifeforms.

Josh: Ok, but what does this has to do with us?

Nolan: Those lifeforms are acting like symbiotes, meaning they need host for themselves.

Luke: So let me guess, you want us to be those hosts right.

Nolan: Exactly.

Luke: I am sorry sir, but why should we do that, I mean, we should just accept to become part aliens just like that, what's in it for us?

Nolan: Calm down please, first of all, we already made few tests and they seem to have truly unnatural abilities, even for our society, so I can assure you, there could be lot of things in it for you boys.

Izuku: Symbiotic SoldierNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ