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The lecture ended about an hour ago. As you know, it didn't go well with Tsukishima but that's ok! I don't give up easily! I won't do anything drastic to get him to notice me, not this time. I'll just make little attempts to start a friendly conversation with him and we'll see where it goes from there!

After the lecture ended, I went down to the nearest vending machine and bought myself a drink, a nice can of Fanta. It's been a while since I've had it and, honestly, I have no idea how I survived. It's just so good! Anyway, I'm stood there drinking my drink and you'll never guess who I saw. Lev! I haven't seen him since high school ended which, as I've mentioned before, isn't actually that long but that doesn't mean I didn't miss him. I went over to him and we talked for a bit and he offered to come back to my dorm with me and 'help me unpack' which I'm pretty sure is Lev-code for hang out in private. With any luck though it won't be private because my roommate will have finally got here! I can't wait to meet them, whoever they are!

"So, who's your roommate Shoyo?" Lev snaps me back to reality, coincidentally with the same topic I was just thinking about. "Are they a high school friend? Oh, do you think they're cute? Maybe it's time to finally move on and... well, having a roommate for a boyfriend would be hella convenient. Imagine all the alone time you could get." He winks and I roll my eyes in response. He chuckles. "Calm down, I'm just messing with you."

"Sureeee you were." I sigh and fold my arms, looking up as him as we walk. The halls are pretty empty so I can afford to do that without the risk of bumping into anyone. "And I haven't actually met him yet. When I got here, the dorm was empty and he hasn't arrived since."

He furrows his brow. "Huh, that's weird. You would've thought they'd be here seeing as the semester started today." He shrugged, the normal chill look returning to his face. "But that's a good thing, right? Just means that you get more time to yourself."

"It's not a good thing Lev." I pout. "It's really lonely and everyone else gets a friend."

"Or an enemy." He points out. "There's no guarantee that you'll actually get on with one another." I raise my eyebrows. If you're sharing a room with someone for three years, surely you're better off getting along with them. "Don't give me that look Hinata." He rolls his eyes. "I'm rooming with Tsukishima, for Christ's sake. At least feel a little sorry for me!"

Wait, Lev's seriously roommates with Tsukishima? Man he's lucky. I side eye him. "I can't feel sorry for someone I'm jealous of."

"You're seriously jealous?" He raises his eyebrows and chuckles to himself. Do not laugh at me for making a point! That's rude! "Man, so you really are still obsessed with him... I thought you would've moved on by now. He did break up with you three years ago or something like that, it's not like you haven't had time to get over him."

I sigh. "It's not like I haven't had time to get over him, I just don't want to. Besides, it's none of your damn business." I jam my hands into the pockets of the hoodie. I feel like I should've given Tsukishima his hoodie back when we broke up but he never actually asked for it back so I kept it. It's actually really comfy and I wear it all the time when it's cold. Even though I've grown a little, it's still really baggy on me which I like. I'm so glad I kept it. "Anyway, we're here." I fish my key out of my back pocket and unlock the door. I push the door open and... there's actually someone there. My eyes widen. "Onion head, it's you!"

The guy sat on the bed I didn't take looks at me. I can't remember his name but I know he was Kageyama's middle school teammate. He rolls his eyes. "Don't call me onion head, shrimpy. I have a name. Use it." Well that's rude and pretty hypocritical as well seeing as my name isn't shrimpy. Besides, I don't even remember his name so saying that really isn't going to change anything. "In case you forgot, I'm Yutaro Kindaichi." Wait what the hell? I swear he can read minds! "But it's rude to forget people's names, Hinata." He chuckles slightly.

I frown. "Don't patronise me. I know a lot of people and you're not high up on the importance chain. For Christ's sake, I haven't spoken to you in a year and we didn't talk for very long. I only know you because of Kageyama." So I'm sharing a room with onion head? Huh... this could be interesting. I walk over and sit down on my bed, signalling for Lev to sit beside me. "I don't think you two have met. Lev, this is Kindaichi from Aoba Johsai. He's really petty and has a bad history with Kageyama."

"Oi! I'm not petty, you damn shrimp." He growls his words slightly. If this was a couple of years ago, he totally would've intimidated me. However, nowadays I'm past the point of caring so it doesn't bother me one bit.

"Oh whatever." I roll my eyes before plastering on my familiar sweet smile. "Kindaichi, this is Lev from Nekoma. He's tall, like really tall, and he's half Russian. He's pretty cool." I lean back, my back pressing against the wall. "Anyway, we're going to hang out and play some video games. Maybe we'll unpack, I don't know. If you want to join us, that's fine! The more the merrier!" I know that I was just a little mean to him but I'm being serious. Having another player would be great, plus it'd be more of a laugh. "Ooh, we could play ultimate chicken horse!"

"Ultimate chicken horse?" He blinks at me a couple of times before coming and sitting beside me on the bed. "What's that? I've never heard of it."

"Oh, it's this really fun game that me and Shoyo played together at one of the training camps." Lev laughs a little, almost sheepishly. "He snuck into Nekoma's room in second year and we played it together. Inuoka joined us as well. It was pretty fun." As I go over and grab three controllers, handing one to the pair and keeping one for myself, he keeps talking. "You basically have to get to the end of the level, it gives you points. You get to place a piece of the level every round so it's more a game about fucking over your friends."

"Huh..." He nods slowly, clearly thinking. "Alright, I'm in. But this better not be a waste of time."

I giggle a little. "Oh, it won't be. Don't you worry."

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