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Today's the day that I agreed to help Hinata study. Why he can't just do it himself, I will never know but hey, he was always known for being a dumbass so it's basically to be expected that he can't handle it by himself. It doesn't matter anyway - it's not like he's interrupting anything important. Plus, I'm the one who agreed to this so I have only myself to blame. I probably sound like I'm contradicting myself a lot. That's fine. Thoughts are complicated things. I argue with myself all the time, this is no exception. It's fine. This is fine.

He didn't exactly give me any ideas about what he's struggling with. He didn't say anything specific, just that he's struggling with the course, and I forgot to prompt him about it so I guess we'll have to figure that out once he gets here. That's ok. It doesn't exactly waste any time. Speaking of, when the hell is he going to get here? I check the time on my phone - the bitch was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago! Christ on a bike, he's the one who asked me to help him and he fucking failed to be here on time! Here I was being nice and agreeing to help him and he's here-... wait no, he's not even here. For fuck's sake Hinata, step your game up!

Just as I'm reaching the peak of annoyance, there's a knock at the door. That's either Hinata finally making an appearance or it's Lev who lost his key again. I don't understand why he doesn't just get a keyring or something. Deadass, he doesn't even have his key attached to anything. He just leaves it lying around on any old surface or in any old pocket or bag. It's strange. No wonder he loses it all the time. There's another knock and I sigh, getting up. "I'm coming I'm coming."

I open the door and there he is - the man of the hour, Hinata fucking Shoyo. "Tsukki! Hi!" He's smiling at me. He does have a good smile, it's really bright, but within the context of the situation it is so annoying.

"Don't smile at me like nothing's wrong." I didn't mean to snarl at him, it just came out that way. Whoops I guess. "You're twenty minutes late, dumbass, after you basically begged me to help you."

"I didn't beg!"

"You so did, don't bother lying." He didn't, it's just fun to take the piss out of him. "Now come in, we're already behind schedule." He walks in and I close and lock the door behind him. That probably made me sound like a kidnapper. You know what, if it was anyone other than Hinata I'd consider it. For legal reasons, that's a joke. Besides, he smells fucking awful right now. I don't know how I didn't notice when I first opened the door but the man smells like he's never touched deodorant in his life. My nose wrinkles. "Christ you smell like shit."

"Oh, do I?" He laughs sheepishly. Yes Hinata, you fucking do. "Sorry about that, I went for a run before I came here." Ah, so that's why he was late. Also, who wakes up and goes 'well I'm supposed to be meeting with someone soon so might as well go for a run right before I go there and not bother making sure I smell alright after'? You're stinking up the room. Sort it out. I walk off into the bathroom and he calls after me. "Eh? Tsukki? Where are you going?"

"Where do you think I'm going?" I grab an aerosol can and walk back into the room, basically dousing Hinata in the stuff. "I'm going to make you smell better so you don't completely stink up my dorm."

He actually whines at that, coughing a little. "Did you have to use that much spray?" Yes. Yes I did. You smell fucking awful and a guy's got to do what he's got to do. "Besides, now I smell worse because I smell like you."

"What the hell did you just say?"

"Nothing nothing!" He waves his arms around in front of him, laughing nervously.

I sigh and sit down on my bed, next to him but not too close that it's awkward. "Whatever... is there anything in particular that you need help with or?-"

"Nope!" He shakes his head grinning at me. "I'm just really confused about everything."

"That's really not something you should be smiling about..." Rolling my eyes, I grab one of my textbooks and flick to an appropriate page. "We'll start with the stuff we've been doing recently then, to see how much of that you remember." He nods in agreement and we start going through some stuff. Personally, I don't think I was ever that great at explaining things to others, and I'm still not now, but he seems to be understanding it just a little. Hopefully a little better than before. I stop explaining for a second and look down at him. "You are getting all this, right?"

"Mhm!" He looks back up at me, his eyes sparkling, and I swear my heart does a god damn backflip which is annoying, not going to lie, because I don't still have feelings for Hinata! I know that might seem hard to believe but I don't. There's no way I do. I've put a lot of thought into it and I have decided that I'm still mad at him (lies) and I'm not into him in any way shape or form (also a lie but we're not going to talk about it). "You're awesome Tsukki! You explain things so well!" He's still smiling. God I could look at that smile for hours...stop it! You're contradicting your own thoughts from less than a minute ago!

I look back down at the book. I'm pretty sure if I look at his smile for any longer, I'll go blind. "Thanks... I disagree but I'll accept the compliment..." I turn to the next page but, just as I'm about to start explaining something new, he speaks again.

"And that's one of the many reasons I still love you..." He mumbles it and I don't think I was supposed to hear it but I did. Oh, I did. My face starts to heat up. Christ, now isn't a good time to gay panic. I take back everything I said before. I absolutely still like him and I am a terrible god damn liar. "You heard that didn't you?..."

"Yeah..." My suspicions were right, I wasn't supposed to hear that.

"Right..." He shuffles around for a bit and then gets up. "I think now is a good time to leave..." I mean, he doesn't have to leave. There's still another, like, two hours before he has to leave for practice. Maybe it's just because he thinks he made it awkward, which he totally did. I can respect that. "Bye Tsukishima. I'll see you in class tomorrow, yeah?"


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