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Maybe it has been a hot minute since that morning with Tsukishima, which honestly was really embarrassing and I would pay good money for it to be scrubbed from the memory of everyone involved, but that doesn't mean I'm over the fact that he said yes to getting coffee with me, like old times before I went and fucked things up. I'm still in shock that this is actually happening, to be honest. I was convinced he would say no but hey, I'm not complaining. I'm just repeating myself and sounding like a stuck record. That's ok. It's not like I have anything to say and not thinking of anything is really weird so I'm just going to keep dwelling on this for the time being. I can think of other things once he gets here.

I'm currently sitting at a two person table, drinking my coffee. I just got a plain latte because it's cheap and I did offer to buy Tsukishima a drink even though I'm basically broke which was a bad idea on my part but oh well, too late for take backs now. Besides, it's like the least I can do considering what I did... Wait no, he told me to stop, and I quote, 'making it my entire personality'. Does that mean I'm not allowed to think about it anymore? Don't phrase it like that Sho, you're allowed to do whatever the hell you want. What you're trying to say, I think, is would he get mad at you for thinking about it? The answer to that is yes. I don't know that for sure, but the answer is still yes and you can't change my mind.


I look up and there he is, sat opposite me with a cup of coffee on the table in front of him. Wait, he's here already? Oh my god, I wasn't expecting him to turn up this early! A part of me wasn't expecting him to show up at all! "Shit-" I dig my wallet out of my pocket. "How much was that?" He tells me the price and I hand him the money. "Here. Sorry, I said I'd pay didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did." He takes the money and pockets it. "You're lucky I picked something cheap."

A small smile creeps onto my face and I take another sip of my drink. "Yeah, I am. Thanks for that." He mumbles a quick you're welcome. I bite my lip. "So... How are you?" That's a good conversation starter, right? I get that we're technically on slightly better terms than we were before but there's nothing we can really talk about. I mean, there is one thing I want to talk about that I might have forgot to address on the morning that I'd rather not think about. He called himself my boyfriend at the party and, even though it probably doesn't mean anything at all, I want to know why he said that, just in case it actually means something.

He shrugs and starts drinking. "Eh, I'm ok. A bit tired but what can you do? Lev decided to go for a run at five in the morning, the fucking psychopath, and he's so god damn loud when he's getting ready to leave that it's impossible to sleep through it."

I laugh a little. "Yeah, that must be annoying... not that I can talk." I'm not exactly the best at being quiet in literally any situation and I'm pretty sure that's common knowledge at this point. He laughs back, just a little and it's very quit but it still made me smile more than I was before. I wasn't expecting to actually be able to make him laugh today. I raise my eyebrows. "Not you agreeing with me."

He shrugs again, smiling now. "Well, I was raised on not being a liar... unlike a certain someone I know."

I gasp, resting a hand over my heart. "Well, I am hurt. There was no need for you to personally attack me like that."

"I'm going to assume, for your benefit, that your reaction was satire."

"Yeah, it was." Of course it was satire. Like I'd be hurt by a completely true statement. I'm not that childish anymore. At least, I like to think I'm not. The question started to eat away at me again. It won't do any harm to simply ask, right? "Listen, about what you said at the party..."

He audibly sighs. "If this is about the whole boyfriend thing, it didn't mean shit. That was just the first way I thought off to get that asshole to piss off."

I laugh a little. "Yeah, I thought so... I just wanted to check, you know?"

He scoffs. "Full offence but I would never like you like that again. I do have a little bit of self worth." That's pretty understandable, all things considered. But is it just me? Or did he hesitate when he said that? No, I'm reading too far into things again. He literally just said that he'd never like me in that way again and here I am, getting my damn hopes up. Honestly, why am I like this. I finish my drink and he finishes his to. "Well... Other than the slightly sour ending, that was alright. Want to do this again sometime?"

My eyes light up. He just offered to meet up with me again! Ah! That's amazing! "Yeah, sure thing. But you're paying for your own damn drink next time."

"That's fair." He shrugs. "I'll see you next time then, whenever that is." Before I even get to respond, he's gone. Damn, with the way that ended I really thought I'd messed everything up. But hey, positives! I get up and leave as well. I can't wait to tell Yachi about this! She's going to be so excited!

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