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A few months later..

Mac will be here anytime helping me get my things from my room to his apartment. He has been so low this whole week, dreading us having to say goodbye for a couple of weeks for the summer since he couldn't get a job here in Michigan.

The plan is for him to go home tonight and start his new summer job in Pittsburgh and I am staying behind here on school property doing some maintenance on all the property of the computer department and the schools computers and tech stuff as my summer job.

But what he doesn't know is that I managed to get a job in Pittsburgh and I am joining him tonight. Dax's intended employer declared bankruptcy a couple of weeks ago and he happily jumped on the opportunity to be my fill in doing work for school.

Things between me and Dax have been somewhat frosty since he jumped Mac during the game. I met up with him in the library to lay it down and told him then and there that he was on a probation-friendship and had to tread lightly if he wanted to keep me as a friend and he took a step back and realized I needed some time to heal from his betrayal. The only time I have hung out with him this semester has been in class since all my free time is spent with Mac, he keeps his distance.

I know he realizes that he is not in love with me and for him it was only this weird pissing contest about me and I think that makes him feel even worse because looking back he wouldn't have done it again.

But hey, you learn as long as you live and I am too happy to dwell on it too much and besides, I ended up with the ultimate prize in the end.

Knock, knock sounds at the door and it opens with Mac standing in the doorway.

"Everyone decent here? What the hell am I saying, I hope you are not decent I mean!" I roll my eyes at his antics.

"Get your head out of the gutter and help me carry this down to the car" he gives me a quick kiss on the lips and a fake sad smile pretending he is hurt and the winks at me suggestively but he lifts two of my bags and walks after me down to the car.

"For what reason do you need four mega bags? Jesus, how much crap can one girl need" he says mostly for himself and I give him a soft laugh patting his shoulder.

"We get into the car and head over to Mac's apartment and he goes back to the truck and starts pulling on a bag.

"Actually you can leave them there" I say a bit unsure by the door. I think and hope Mac will like my surprise but suddenly I start to feel unsure.

"What, I can't leave the car here babe, it is leaving for Pittsburgh tonight, you know this" he says and doesn't understand what I mean.

"No I do know that, that is why I am telling you to leave it" I try to say with as much conviction I can and he finally looks up at me. First he looks at me for a few seconds with big question marks in his eyes but then his expression changes and fills with hope.

"Are you saying what I think you are saying?" he drops everything and walks over to my side of the car and puts his hands on my shoulders looking me in the eyes.

"I think so, if you will have me with you all summer?" His face breaks out into the biggest smile imaginable and embraces me in a big hug that lifts me from the ground. He attacks my mouth with his in a big passionate kiss before he puts me down again.

Of course I want you with me, this is the best news ever, but what about your job. I know you need the extra cash?" He is always thinking one step ahead and the fact that he remembers the importance of me finding a summer job is so sweet.

"Dax's fell through so he is taking my gig here at school and I managed to snag a last minute job in Pittsburgh not too far away from your aunt".

"Oh my god, are you for real?! Do I get to keep you all summer??"

"Yes, I already checked with Klara and she is ok with me tagging along" The truth is that Klara had been ecstatic when I asked her. She had no hard feelings about me breaking up with Mac and breaking his heart when she heard the whole story. She is one of the few who knows the complete truth about why I broke up with him.

"Of course she was, she loves you more than me"

"Oh poor baby, is someone a little bit jealous?" I tease him and he gives me a playful shove on the shoulder.

"Lucky for you I love you, now let me carry you upstairs and make hot, sweet celebration love with you" he catches me by surprise and picks me up in his strong arms and I let out a scream at the unexpected move.

"Mac, let me down!"

"Not going to happen, I have no time to waste and a hottie to celebrate with before we hit the road" He runs up the stairs and heads straight for his bedroom. Dom and Sugar have already left for the summer so we are all alone.

I do not like being carried but his strong arms around me makes me feel safe, I know he will never drop me. The heat in his eyes as he maneuvers through the apartment is making me burn on the inside. It is incredible with just a look how he can make me feel and I really hope that it will always be like this between us. I know I will do anything in my power to keep this and I have learned from past mistakes and will always fight for our love. I look him deep in the eyes and say "I love you so much". He smiles at me and finally when we reach his room he lowers me at the bed and responds.

"I love you too, now and forever" I know his words are true and they complete me. Now and forever.

A College Distraction (A College Tale #1)Where stories live. Discover now