Chapter 10 - Some friends I have | Ella

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Yesterday and today has flown by. Classes are really intense now this far gone in the semester and it feels like now is the first time in two days I have had time to catch a breath.

The three of us are sitting in the cafeteria and of course Mariam has informed Olivia about Sunday and all the glorious parts about my hangover and amnesia. It usually feels good sitting in the cafeteria on lunch and shooting shit the three of us but when the spotlight is directed straight at me it is not as much fun.

"I have been so good for two days, now you have to tell me. What the F happened sunday?" Olivia is as impatient as always and eager to hear everything.

"I already told you guys over the group text, not much. We went to the stadium and we played some football just the two of us and then ate pizza, that pretty much sums it up" I know I will not get away with being this vague but a girl can try.

"Bullshit" Mariam says and looks at Olivia and the two of them share a look.

"I don't believe it for a second" Mariam is determined in her voice and probably smells my bullshit a mile away. Lying has never been something I am good at.

"I don't know what more to say, we had a really nice evening, he even paid for dinner" I don't mention the almost kiss, my awkward tell-all with Mac Saturday night or my horrible call with my father.

"You are a terrible liar Ella, your poker face is worth shit. I happen to have inside information about an almost kiss" Mariam looks so smug when she drops the bomb. Olivia's jaw practically drops to the floor as she listens to Mariam.

"And the million dollar question is why the fuck did you not kiss him?" Mariam finishes with. She looks at me like I suddenly grew another head and Olivia is finally back to our realm and jumps into the conversation.

"Yeah Ella, are you stupid not going for that, I would throw myself over him. Did he or you make the move? and why in hell did you stop it?!" she shouts in a whisper voice and points at me to really make an impact.

"Who said it was me stopping it?" I tried halfheartedly to defend myself.

"Of course it was you!" they both say in unison "... it smells Ella all over it" Olivia adds.

"How do you know of this, who told you?" I am fairly certain I wont get an answer from Mariam on that one but I still need to ask.

"I will never reveal my source" she says and makes a motion to zip her lips for effect and throws the imaginary key away.

"So.. spill it! I knew there was something going on between the two of you, it was so obvious Saturday night!!" Olivia says excited. Mariam looks at me expectantly and the only thing I can do right now is to tell them the truth.

"There is nothing 'going on' right now.." I take a deep breath ".. when we walked to the stadium we may have stopped, I don't really remember why, and I ended up dangerously close to him but a biker passing us snapped me out of it in the last second, you know I can't have any distractions, that's why".

"You and your distractions, when will you loosen up a bit and realize that these 'distractions' you are always talking about is what makes life worth living" Olivia says and Mariam is quick to jump in with a "so true".

"Hello! He is a jock? You always tell me they are the last one you should pick for a boyfriend" I say and direct my words at Olivia. She is quick to wave her hands in surrender.

"Hey, don't blame me. But I don't think Mac is the average jock"

"What if I told you I have more inside information?" Mariam teases and Olivia is almost jumping up her lap in anticipation.

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