Chapter 7 - Girls night out | Ella

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"You are so not studying all night!" Mariam states loudly on our way back from the home game. Our boys easily defeated the opponents with 32-3 and everyone is ecstatic over the big W. Mariam tagged along with us to the game and she has quickly become a more permanent member in Olivia's and mine duo, so I guess we are more of a trio now.

"I am actually ahead of my classwork, got a lot done yesterday so I am up for suggestions"

"It is no surprise that you are ahead Ella..." Olivia says almost too low to hear. I am unsure if she meant it as an insult ur just blowing of some frustration and I happen to be the one taking the blow so I let that comment slide for this time. She probably didn't mean it the way it sounded.

"Should we go to the greek and see what they have tonight?" I suspect Mariam wants to be in a sorority by how often she mentions the greek or suggests going there but I still haven't managed to get her to confess that.

"No I am not in the mood for that, can't we go out? Everyone is probably going to the celebratory party so the bars shouldn't be as overcrowded as usual" I suggest. They both look a bit disappointed but I flash them my best puppy eyes and they soon gives in.

"Okey" the both said in unison defeated, Mariam even added "I don't like it but I will do it, you know the chances of finding someone to keep you occupied, if you know what I mean, is fifty percent lower at the bar scene".

"You are just making that up, let's go home and get ready" I say and link our arms and turn towards the dorms with my best friend to my right and what I suspect my new best friend to my left.

"No time to waste, we have a girls night out to prepare for!" I say and they both cheer to that.

Since the game ended at six o'clock we had a lot of time to prepare. I have never been the type of girl who puts too much into my appearance so a quick shower, a blowdry and some mascara have to do. I had to change my outfit three times before Olivia and Mariam gave up and ordered me to wear something from Olivia's closet. It was a tight black top with a bit too much cleavage and lace than my liking and black pants that seemed to be made just for me. When I tried it on, they both gave approving headshakes and said I had to wear that.

I am not used to this much exposure of my chest area and back but I do have to confess I look awesome in it so I kept it on. There is a first time for everything and I am after all here in the states to try new things.

We started the night with some takeout in my room to fill up with food and water before heading out. After a long discussion we settled on Ricks as the best choice. The goal with tonight is to have fun and dance and for that, Rick is the best fit.

Mariam and Olivia are of course dressed in each a small little black dress that hugs their bodies, together the three of us turned some heads when we walked down the street to Ricks. Mariam and Olivia ate it up and enjoyed every bit of attention we got. When we reached Ricks we guessed right that the crowd was not as big as it usually is on a saturday night.

When we got in we were met by dim lights, loud music and happy people dancing their troubles away. The thing about dancing that I love is that you get to let go of all your worries for a moment and just listen to the beat and move to the rhythm. Tacky? Yeah I know but that's just me. 

"You two go find us a table and I will get us drinks so we can get a good buzz going!" Olivia shouts over the music. We split up and went on our respective hunts. It didn't take long before we spot a group leaving their table and we almost throw ourselves on it so we won't lose it. 

"You should let your hair down Ella, it looks beautiful when left down" Olivia say as she moved her fingers through her long dark curls "but it looks great now too, but if you want to shake things up a little bit" she adds once she realized how it sounded out loud and the guilty look on her face soften the blow.

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