Chapter 24 - Let's fix this now | Mac

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I have never been good at waiting, especially when there is nothing else to do than just sit your ass down and wait. When I arrived home yesterday I was dead set on taking the quickest shower imaginable and then head over to Ella's dorm and try my luck at her room. I even had this whole speech planned out in the car home but when I came home and saw her letter there was not much to do than wait.

I was shocked in the best way when I read her letter and I had reread it maybe a hundred times since I came home. Her letter was the confirmation I needed to do this and go the last distance.

If I know Ella right, and I do, this letter was really hard to write and she must have been really anxious of how I would take it and owning up to her strange behaviors like that takes balls. But I will never agree on her words describing her as the biggest idiot alive, that title belongs to me. I shouldn't have swallowed her lie so easily and fought harder for what I knew in my heart was wrong.

There is still an hour before I need to head to the place she wrote about in her letter and my mind is going crazy. Sugar and Dom arrived late last night just checking in and changing clothes ready to leave for a party but when they saw me reading and rereading the letter again and again they stayed in with me. I told them the need to know parts, leaving out coach's involvement in this whole mess. I don't want their trust in him broken, that will only hurt the team.

Of course they were supportive assholes and stayed with me all night distracting me from going crazy by waiting. They blew off the party completely and I felt bad for my distressed state and not being able to properly thank them. I will have to that once everything is back to the way it is supposed to be, Ella being mine.

I get my things and head toward the door dressing up for the cold weather.

"Hey, I thought it was at three you were meeting her?" A newly woken Sugar from a nap says in a slur.

"Yeah but I cannot sit here waiting any longer, I am heading to the café and wait out the last hour" he smacks me on the back.

"Go get our girl back, I miss her!"

"Our?" I know Sugar is probably kidding but I am not in the mood or state to understand it.

"Yeah, I need my favorite Swede back and besides, you are much more enjoyable when she is around"

"Ha ha, very funny. I will see you when I see you!" I say and leave the apartment.

This will be easy, just meet with her and confess I know everything and beg her for another go at it, simple as that.

I look at my clock once again and see it clear as a day stating it is thirty minutes past three. I even asked the barista for the time in case my clock happened to be wrong but no such case.

This is not like Ella to do. She is always a few minutes early for everything. First I excused her when it only was a couple of minutes but now my patience is wearing thin.

I grab my stuff and throw a bill on the table and leave the table. There is no way she is getting away with this. How dare she lure me here and then blow me off. I start jogging towards her dorm and soon enough I am there, a panting mess running up the stairs to her level and finding her door.

"Ella open this door right now" I shout as I bang repeatedly. I hear some shuffling on the other side and what sounds like "oh my god" chanting.

"Ella, open up, I just want to talk, I know you are in there" I shout again and this time I hear a 'fuck'.

"What do you want?" I hear on the other side of the door.

"Open up, please"

"Not until you answer me"

"I came because of your letter, I sat at the coffee shop for thirty minutes waiting for you to come. Why didn't you show up?" I say as honestly as I can and my voice breaks a little at my question.

I hear the lock on the door unlatch and the door opens.

"You went to the café?" And suddenly Ella's face is visible in the crack. I open up and enter her room before it is too late. All the rage I felt just minutes ago disappears when I see that her eyes are all read from crying and her face is swollen from all her tears.

"Of course I went" I put my hands on her cheeks and she leans into my touch for a minute and it feels like something lost in my heart is finding its way home again. But all too soon she moved away from my touch and I instantly mourned the loss of her warmth.

"But what about her?" I can see hurt in her eyes at her words and it takes me a second to realize what she said.

"What her? I ask confused.

"I saw you with her yesterday, when you came back. You have moved on and I don't want to be in the way for you. I only ever want for you to be happy, even if it is with someone else" a tear starts to fall down her cheek and I am quick to wipe it away and this time I am not letting go of her.

"When I was dropped off with a car?" I wait for her head to nod confirming before I continue "that car was the first and fastest way of me getting home after I had given coach the biggest scolding ever for doing what he did to you, the woman in car is our physiotherapist who happens to be a very happily married mother of three"

"You did what?" She asks, stunned and I realize I need to explain myself.

"Olivia told me everything and I had a talk with coach and the almost hijacked Tara's car home because I had to see you right away"

"She did?"

"Yeah, saw me being miserable and I guess she felt sorry. And when I got home and read your letter I felt like a huge stone was lifted from my shoulders. You have no idea how lost I have felt, I had this whole speech figured out but the only part I remember is that I love you so freaking much it scares me sometimes and I never want to be without you and if you will have me I am not letting you go again" I rush out in a hurry. More tears start to fall down her cheeks and I feel like my stomach turned to stone at her reaction.

"No don't cry babe, please don't" I say desperate as I wipe her tears away.

"These are happy tears Mac, I love you so much too and I am so sorry about everything, can you ever forgive my stupidity?" She is now a rambling mess but I don't care as long as she is my rambling mess.

"Of course but only if you can forgive me" I say and give her tears soft kisses.

"Forgive you? Of course but there is nothing to forgive" she looks at me puzzled like I am talking crazy.

"Yeah there is, for not fighting harder for you" I admit and she looks at me with so much love in her eyes my heart nearly melts.

"I really want to kiss you right now, can I?"

"Oh my god yes, and you never ever have to ask again" she leans in closer to me and right before our mouths meets I whisper "I am not letting go of you again and I am going to take you up on the kissing, starting right now" and when our lips finally meet it feels like there is an explosion going of inside and around us. How I have missed her lips, body and mind these last torturous weeks but now she is finally back in my arms and heart and this time I am never letting her go.

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