Chapter 6 - Swedish meatballs | Ella

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I have not seen either Dax or Olivia in the last 24 hours which feels strange. I usually never go this long without hearing from them. They are probably both busy with their courses and studying by themselves but it just feels strange. Especially with Dax since we have the same courses. I make a promise to myself to check-in on him after today's classes to see if he is still alive.

After this tough morning with my two most advanced classes crammed together in one morning I am looking forward to this class. I always leve Professor Adams lectures with newfound energy. It is just something with Introduction To Object Oriented Programming that makes me relaxed and happy. I think it is the structure and way to think that aligns with how my own brain works.

The sprint in my legs takes me forward in a quick pace, before I round the hallway I shoot a quick text to Olivia asking what she is doing. Completely consumed by my phone I fail to notice the large frame standing in the middle of the hallway blocking my path. With the most ungracious fall I end up on the floor with all my books and papers sprawled around me.

"Easy there, have nobody told you that you should aim lower when attacking the opponent" I immediately feel the blush on my cheeks as I recognize Mac's voice.

"So sorry, I didn't see you" I stutter as I am reaching for all my things that now lay scattered on the floor. Mac starts collecting items beside me which only makes the blush on my cheeks worse. It's bad enough that I ran into him but even worse that he is kind enough to stop and help me.

"No worries, I know my dashing looks can be distracting" he says with a twinkle in his eyes directed at me. Oh boy the confidence in this one.

"What are you doing in the computer building? You don't  have any classes here" I ask him as he hands me some of my papers. He crooks an eyebrow at me and answers "keeping tabs on me are we now?" with a suggestive look. The already red on my cheeks gets ever redder, if that is even possible.

"Definitely not, I have never seen you here before and I would bet money that you have something like ceramics as major, you don't need anything fancy for the NFL"

"Nah, not ceramics but I won't be so mean and correct you on your wrong assumptions"

"How noble of you, but still, I am sorry I ran into you" I really am. You shouldn't text and walk at the same time. It is apparently a recipe for disaster.

"You can make it up to me by dropping by with dinner" he says as a matter of fact. I almost say 'of course' right there on the spot before I give it another thought. "Why do I have to make it up to you?" I know he is probably being funny and I sincerely doubt that I did any damage to him with my assault a few seconds ago.

"Of course, this body is precious cargo and feels a bit sore, maybe a kiss and a dinner would help" he looks so mischievous when softly embracing his throwing arm and rubbing it. I can see the humour rolling of him and can't help but laugh at him.

"With such compelling arguments I can't say no, but I am not taking you out, it was not that big of an impact" almost for a second it looks like disappointment crosses his eyes at my response, but I must have imagined it.

"Okay, just takeout at my place?" he suggests.

"Sounds fair, where do you live?"

"You remember the party I walked you home from?" I nod at his question and ignore the wave of emotions that comes back to me when thinking about that.

"That's my place. I share it with Dom and Sugar.." I stop him mid-sentence.

"WAIT, is that your place?! You have a real kitchen?! Are you kidding me?!!" I am almost screaming from the excitement of a fully stocked kitchen makes me all giddy. To be able to cook a real meal for the first time in months makes me ecstatic. 

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