Chapter 14 - How embarrassing can it be? | Ella

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Since the night in my room three weeks ago Mac and I had barely never sleep apart. The comfort and security I feel when I am with him is unbeatable and something I never want to give away. I think back to the moment I woke up snuggling Mac's upper body like a python.

"Good morning beautiful" Mac's joyful voice greets me. What does he mean by good morning? I feel around me but can barely move an inch and soon realize that is because I am wrapped around Mac like a python.

"Did.. did we..?" My panic is starting to acknowledge itself at the idea of sleeping with Mac last night. It is not that I don't want to sleep with him, I just want it to be on my terms, when I feel ready.

"Relax, nothing happened" he says with a soft laugh.

"Why are you awake.." I turn my head towards the clock and notice the hour ".. at seven in the morning on a Saturday?"

"Someone could not stop rubbing her ass against my crotch, it was distracting to say at least, especially with a morning boner" He looks at me with a playful accusatory look and my cheeks start burning up. I hide my head under the cover and he continues in a playful manner ".. then when I turned her around she started fondling my chest and that was almost even more distracting than the ass action, so I gave up on sleep".

"Not funny" I say in embarrassment under my cover.

"But entirely true" Mac says and removes the cover from my face and looks me in the eyes ".. and I would do it all over again without a doubt" he says sweetly and caress my cheek in a loving manner.

"Even if sex is off the table?" I ask hesitantly, I really don't want him to leave because of that and my fear kicks in.

"Even then" he says as if it is a no brainer and I can feel myself letting go of a breath I was apparently holding, waiting for his answer. He pulls his right index finger along my arm, all the way from my wrist up to my shoulder and then further up my neck. When his finger is at the base of my chin a small shiver travels down my spine and my other arm starts tracing the outlines of his abs. I feel my insecurities fade away as Mac traces the outline of my lips with his finger and mumbles "beautiful" under his breath.

I hook my left leg around his long legs inch closer to him.

"Oh my god, you are really trying to kill me" he lets out in a groan as my body rubs against his. "Can I at least get a good morning kiss?" He asks, almost sounding in pain.

"Maybe" I say with a playful smile on my lips.

"Oh you tease, come here" he says and plants his mouth on mine and sparks begin to fly. The kiss quickly deepens and we are both panting, moaning messes in no time, touching, sucking, kissing, wherever we can. I can see myself waking up to this more times in the future.   

"Earth to Ella" Olivia calls to me over the table. We are meeting up at the cafeteria for lunch today. It feels like it was ages ago just the three of us sat down and had some girl time.

"Sorry" I say and try to remember what we were discussing originally.

"She is probably daydreaming about Mac again" Mariam says to Olivia with a knowing look in her eyes.

"Hey, that's not fair!" I say to both of them.

"You deserve it, we never get to see you anymore, only on game day, during the game!" Olivia says accusatory to me. She does have a point because I have been neglecting my friends but we have hung out more than that. Olivia is just being her usual grudge holding self.

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