Chapter 15 - Shit is about to go down | Mac

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The game is going well, excellent actually. We are like a well oiled machine today and are up by three touchdowns thanks to a turnover so my pep talk during halftime will be easy. The ball is currently in our opponents hands and the only thing I can do right now is to stand at the sidelines and cheer for my teammates.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and the mood is cheerful as everyone is ready for some well deserved break during the holiday. My plans never changed since my only living relative and family is my aunt Klara since my parents died in a car crash when I was five years old. I am going to see her this year in Pittsburgh where she lives since we moved there for a new job she found just as I was about to start high school. As soon as I get back to campus I am going to ask Ella to come with me. We talked the other day about thanksgiving and her plan is to stay in her dorm all weekend which I can't have her doing all alone. I don't know why I didn't think of it before but better late than never I guess.

"That was a slick move back there with the third throw towards Dax, I was sure you were going to miss" Sugar says beside me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You wish" I say jokingly back to him.

"What's the plans for the weekend?" He asks as we follow the game from the sideline. Our defense is strong tonight and should have no trouble defending our side so I am not that worried.

"Driving out to the aunt tomorrow and spending a few days there chilling, ah nice save!"

"Is Ella coming with you?" He asks after he shouts his praises for our defense to the players.

"I hope so, haven't asked her yet though" I confess.

"Living on the edge bro, how is the auntie doing by the way?" Sugar came with me once over a weekend and immediately bonded with aunt Klara.

"Fine, a bit lonely, but not much I can do about it unfortunately" he nods at my words.

"How does she feel with you having a new girl? Coming second is never easy"

"She is not thrilled, she wants the exclusive rights to me but I cannot be tamed, they have to find a way to share me. I think they will get along real good".

"That's harsh" Sugar says.

"Yeah but I have told her that even from the beginning. She is old news, literally, what more can she expect?" We both laugh out loud at my figure of speech.

"What the actual fuck?!" I hear beside me and feel someone take hold of my shoulder pad. I am turned around and is facing Dax with a furious expression.

"What did you just say?!" He screams at me, spit falling out of his mouth. It takes a second for me to regain my speech and answer him "that she is old news, what's your problem?" I say back to him.

"How dare you!" He screams outrageous and before I know it his right hook is making a connection with the left side of my face. I feel myself stumbling backwards a step from the impact and Dax follows my movement and takes another swing at me. Sugar jumps in between me and Dax and helps me up. Dax is looking furious as he tries to get out of another teammate's grip.

"You are fucking scum do you know that? You don't deserve her and you know it!" He screams, ranting at me. He breaks loose from the grip and once again charges at me but this time I am ready and push him back. That only makes him angrier and tries to jump me again but now more of my teammates are working on containing him.

The field is completely frozen in action and the cheering crowd is now talking among themselves, probably speculating what's going on.

Someone comes with some paper telling me to press down over my left eye and then starts checking out my throwing arm. There is a lot of blood everywhere but it is hard to tell where it is coming from.

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