▬ 05: OKAY.. SORT OF. ▬

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    MY HANDS WERE SWEATING AS EMBRY STARTED THE TRUCK. I actually wasn't sure if I wanted to do this now. The fight I'd had with Bella was kind of big.. She had kicked me out of her house. What if she didn't want to forgive me? I wouldn't blame her. I was harsh.. But only out of worry. 

    She had done really reckless shit and I was a slight worrier. And when I get worried. Or sad. Or anxious. I get angry as a way to protect myself. 

    It doesn't really protect me. It just does more damage. 

    There was a subtle ache in my temple.. The nervousness was giving me a headache. I stared out of the window, but I could feel Embry's eyes on me. 

    "If you don't want to do this, we don't have to. We can just hang out at my house and try to go another time." He nudges my shoulder, hesitant to press the gas. I shake my head, swallowing hard. I knew I had to do this, or I'd be stressed out like this for another unbearable amount of time. 

    "No, Em. This is something I have to do, or I'll get shitty sleep for another eternity." I sighed as he pulled out of his driveway. He smiles softly and ruffled my hair. I still hate that.. But it's comforting in the moment. He knew that too. 

    It almost makes me wince to glance at the road. I end up seeing how we get closer to Quil's house. Meaning that after we get Quil, its barely a 5 minute ride to Jake's. I stare down at my boot clad feet instead, following the soft patterns of leather. I'd bought these boots while in Port Angeles with Bella. 

    I curse myself and look away. Now my boots give me the weird feeling too. 

    Quil's house was just around the bend. It was a faded blue color, small but comfortable looking. I'd been inside plenty of times, playing video games and having hot sauce drinking contests. I missed it.. When everything was normal. But now was not the time to make myself sad about something else. 

    I see Quil's head come between the curtains of the front window. A large grin crosses his face as his brown eyes light up. I smirk back, nodding my head to the seat next to me. 

    His head disappears just as quick as it had appeared. But, seconds after, he comes flying out of his front door. A snort escapes both Embry's and my own lips as he trips over a few of his porch steps. 

    But he makes it across his driveway without tripping again and pulls the door to the truck open. 

    "Hey morons." He snickers, slamming the door. I rolled my eyes and slide over a bit, trying to make myself comfortable. I don't succeed, I just end up pressed against Embry. But this wasn't unusual. Although it didn't make it any more comfortable. 

    "Hey." I reply, messing with his hair. He turns and glares at me, but a hint of a smile remains on his lips. I smirk back at him. 

    Embry puts the truck into reverse, tugging it out of Quil's driveway. I sigh for the 50th time today, twisting my fingers together. I always did this when I was nervous. Since I was 5 years old. 

    "Sooo.. You're saying the s-word to Bella today. Don't think I've ever heard you say that to anyone." Quil chuckles. 

    I roll my eyes, scoffing.

    "I apologize sometimes!" I huff, looking to Embry. He tries to avoid eye contact, but I raise my eyebrows in expectation. Giving me a knowing look, he only nods his head towards Quil.

    "Nah, I think he's right. You've apologized to me once in like four years." He recalled, reaching out to caress my shoulder in an apologetic gesture. I slap his hand away, pouting. 

    Quil giggles at the sound of me slapping Embry that fills the truck. 

    "I wouldn't be laughing, idiot. You're next!" I hiss, bringing my hand back to slap him. He flinches before I even make contact, gripping my hand and fighting against me. Our struggle makes Embry groan, rolling his eyes. 

    "Guys. I'm trying to--" 

    "Stop!" Quil whines as I pinch the exposed skin by his hand, making him release mine. I cackle, twisting the skin harder, giving him the most intense pinch of his life. 

    He screeches, causing the truck to come to a hault, Embry glaring at us. My brows furrow as I watch his shoulders heave in and out, his face set in a serious scowl. Why was he so angry? It was like any other time we all went to Jake's.. He'd never freaked at us like this before.

    "I'M TRYING TO DRIVE! Cut it out or I'll make you two walk." He grits his teeth together.

    Quil and I exchange looks, my lip drawn between my teeth. But we go silent. Just like Embry wanted. My fingers twist around the ones on my other hand, pulling together tightly. I settle into the silence, staring forward. I don't want to acknowledge the awkwardness that filled the truck. 

    Soon we arrive at Billy's. Bella's truck sits in the driveway, almost mocking me like Quil did. The "s" word was something I never really sincerely said to anyone. It was hard for me, but the hardest part was accepting what I did wrong. The opening of my truck door snapped me out of my thoughts as Jake yanked me out, smiling.

    "Hey Tare!" He beams, squeezing me tightly.

"Hey, Jake. How goes it?" I raise my eyebrows.

Jacob pulls me aside, peering at me knowingly. He leans in to speak quietly.

"She's not mad at you.. Her feelings were just hurt. She still wont tell me what you said.."

I nodded, sighing. I don't blame her for her feelings. If someone said to me what I said to her, I'd be pretty upset too.

"I came to apologize for what I said, actually. And if she won't tell you, I won't either." I chuckle, taking a deep breath.

Jacob rolls his eyes and leads me to the garage.

There sits Bella, covered in oil and eating a piece of pizza. She glances at me but her gaze darts away just as quick, face getting red.

I clear my throat and Jake leaves the garage in a hurry. I furrow my eyebrows, but focus on the situation at hand.

We meet eyes again and neither of us speak.

"I'm really sorry for what--" "I should've given you a chance to ex--"

"Sorry, I'll let you speak." Bella says sheepishly. I chuckle.

I take a deep breath, and its time to apologize.

"Bells.. I'm really really sorry for what I said. I don't think you're crazy and I know I should've been more sensitive to the situation. I love you." I spill, taking a step forward with a sad smile on my face.

I mean every single word I say, too. The boys say I've never given a serious apology, but this time I am deeply sorry.

Bella nods, biting her lip. "Thanks, Tare. I'm sorry I got so angry.. I should've given you a chance to explain. Love you too."

"Totally not your fault. I dont blame you for not doing that. I was an ass."

We both chuckle and I give her a 'come here' motion. We embrace in a tight hug.

"I missed you, Bells."

"I missed you too."

I release her.. And then Jacob runs into the garage.

"Taryn," He heaves, out of breath, "Embry punched Quil in the face!"



im so sorry guys.. im rly bad at writing this book. i just get so stuck writing, and i feel like its all bad...

im trying to update this from now on okay?? i just dont know where to go with ittt. <3 love you


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