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    IT WAS A PRETTY COLD DAY. Taryn had felt much colder living in Washington, although the area she lived in now could be much colder and much gloomier than any other.

    She watched from where she stood with bated breath as the new girl pulled into the parking lot of Forks High School. Her truck looked ancient, faded and orange-red toned. Tyler chuckled at it, a stupid smirk on his face; Taryn glared at him. She knew he would spit a comment about it. It was just who Tyler was.

    The girl clumsily climbed out of the truck, slamming its door as it omitted a creaky roar from it's hinges. That made Taryn smile a bit. The truck was loud in all of its parts, not just its engine. 

    ❝Nice ride!❞ Tyler boisterously calls, snickering afterwards. Taryn rolled her eyes, pushing him backwards. 

    ❝Dude, save it for right now. She's new and she literally just got here.❞ Taryn snapped, glaring at him.

     The girl glanced over, her face getting a warm shade of red. She was very likely feeling plenty of things right now. Nervousness, embarrassment.. Taryn wouldn't assume anybody else's emotions though. She wasn't the type to do that. 

   She already knew the girl's name. Isabella; Jake told her. He had been waiting on her to arrive for quite some time. Her father, Charlie, was the chief of police in the small town of Forks as well. Taryn had met him a couple times because Chase, her brother's husband, worked as a receptionist for the department and she would occasionally visit him.

    Isabella was petite, about 5'4 with a tiny waist. Her hair was brunette, a very dark shade. Taryn thought she would've been tan coming from Phoenix, but no.. her skin was very pale. Her eyes were dark brown. She dressed in a basic way. Jeans and a long sleeved shirt, nearly completely concealed with a big brown coat. 

   The girl looked like she belonged in Forks. But Taryn knew she had to prefer being in Phoenix. She knew she would too. The sun showed its face every day, not on a rare occasion.

    Finished with her staring, Taryn nudged Mike. 

    ❝Let's go inside guys. Eric wants her to be the feature anyways.❞ She said, grabbing Mike by the hand and dragging him inside. 

    Hours later, Taryn's morning classes were over. It was lunch time. She stood in line with her best friends, Jess and Angela, gossiping about the latest in Forks High School. 

    Laughing, she turned around with her tray of food and headed towards their designated lunch table. Normally, the same people sat there every day. Taryn, Jessica Stanley, Angela Webber, Mike Newton, Eric Yorkie, and Tyler Crowley. 

    Her friend group was small.. But she loved everyone of her friends. Even the mischievous and quite stupid boys. There were little love interests in the friend group too, if she could call them that. Angela and Eric had a flirting thing going on. And Jessica attempted to get Mike's attention all the time. Most recently discovered, Taryn realized that Tyler was a little too fond of her.. But she chose to ignore it.

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