10: Return of the Cullen Family

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BEING GROUNDED WAS HONESTLY A BLESSING TO TARYN. She didn't want to have free range. She wanted to be isolated and alone for as long as she could. But unfortunately, Monday came, and with that, so did school.

The weekend's events had come pouring through her phone, without a response from Taryn. She had to admit to herself that she did care.. She just wasn't going to respond. If she didn't care what was going on with her, she wouldn't buy into their supernatural drama. Bella had fled with Alice to Italy to prevent Edward from killing himself. He was trying to get murdered by the rulers of the vampire world because he thought that Bella's little cliff stunt had worked. The Cullen's were now all back in Forks, much to Bella's delight.

This all came in the form of an apologetic text message from Bella. Apologies, though, were just not going to cut it for Taryn. The girl had taken enough shit from Bella and her wolf buddies in the form of deception and ignorance for months.

The fix was not all that easy. She was still recovering from the hurt of Embry's betrayal, coupled with the lies and radio silence from Jacob and Bella. She felt as though she had no friends she could trust. She was happy about one thing though.. She enjoyed Emmett Cullen's company. He was the easiest Cullen to get along with and the least shady of the bunch.

The doors to Forks High School looked even more disappointing to Taryn than they usually did. That meant seeing all of the people she really didn't want to interact with.

Immediately walking in, she spotted Ben, who spotted her right back.

"Oh my god! What happened?" The boy gasped at the bandages all over Taryn.

"I fell down the stairs at Bella's." The girl said quietly, walking by the boy without even making eye contact. He continued walking beside her, even going faster to keep up.

"That looks bad. If you ever need anything--"

"I don't." Taryn snapped. "Please just leave me alone for a while."

Ben nodded and walked away. She almost felt bad for being mean.. But she really couldn't take interacting with people today. She had a certain clumsy brown haired girl to avoid.

The look on the girl's face was enough to keep others from interacting with her. She made it to her locker and took out what she needed, rushing to history class. Her seat was right next to Emmett. Although she was mad at Bella, she still cared about what happened. She would ask Emmett about it to make sure everyone was okay.

Walking in, she met his golden eyes immediately. Emmett smiled knowingly and patted the seat beside him. He looked just as he always did before. Large but friendly. Attractive to an odd amount. And ready to chat her ear off.

"Emmett," She noted his existence. "Welcome back." She smiled in a tired sort of way.

"Glad to be back, T. Missed my buddy."

Taryn felt warm. At least she had one friend around here that didn't want to stab her in the back. "Missed you too. Shitty time here without you."

"Oh? Everything alright?"

Taryn sighed. "I'm not really talking to Bella right now because she kept a bunch of shit from me and went behind my back to hang out with my friends that cut me off. Who are also werewolves. Kept that from me too," She rambled. "Then I got knocked by that redheaded monster and didn't see so much as a call from her or anybody until yesterday."

Emmett's brows rose. "Wow."

"Yep. I'm pretty pissed at her.. But.. Is everything okay? Like with her and Edward?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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