▬ 03: M.I.A ▬

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    IT WAS AN EXHAUSTING DAY UP UNTIL THEN. When she pulled into Jacob's driveway with her brother's truck, watching all the boys come jogging out of the garage to greet her. 

    ❝Taryn!❞ Embry exclaimed, practically tugging the girl out of the truck. He wrapped her into a tight hug, squeezing her. 

     Taryn breathed a sigh of relief. Embry's scent was so calming to her.. It was like she'd just arrived home after a long trip away. Away being a few weeks.. She hadn't been to the Rez in a few weeks. The night before had awakened something in her. She needed to see her boys as soon as possible, especially Embry. 

    ❝Where have you been, Tare? You haven't visited in a long time.❞ Embry pouted, pulling away. Taryn shrugged but smiled softly at him, trying to think of an explanation. 

     ❝To be honest, Em, I don't know where I've been. But.. I'm here now. And I'm not going anywhere.❞ She said, grabbing Embry's hands. He tightened his grip on her hands and smiled, raising an eyebrow. 

       ❝Alright then. Come to the garage and hang out.❞ He beamed, messing her hair up. She rolled her eyes but smiled back, feeling the safest she's ever been. But.. Feeling slightly bad for not telling Embry about the Cullen incident. It was forbidden though.. So she'd be okay.

     She wasn't surprised to see that Jared wasn't there to greet her. He'd become a part of what the boys called "Sam's Cult". Which meant that he basically just started following Sam Uley around, jogging the Rez shirtless, and giving his old friends the cold shoulder. It hurt Taryn a bit because she was used to seeing Jared around.. But she would be okay. It wasn't the same as it would be if it happened with Embry. 

   Before entering the garage, Taryn greeted Billy inside the house. 

    ❝Taryn Lemming. It's good to see you back on the Rez. I think this is the longest you've stayed away.❞ He smiled kindly, nodding his head to her. He sat at the table with a beer, as usual. 

    ❝It's good to be back. I'm here to stay, Billy.. But I'll head to the garage now.❞ She said, and he nodded yet again as she disappeared back out the door. 

     Sitting in the garage, she was met face to face with Jake, who smiled big. ❝You're back. I'm glad! Not only for my sake, but for Embry's. I've never heard him whine so much in my life.❞ He laughed, patting the girl on the shoulder. 

    Taryn rolled her eyes but looked at Embry, who stopped his rough housing with Quil to reply. He just shrugged and smirked softly, going right back to what he was doing. 

    ❝So.. Why were you gone so long?❞ Jacob's eyebrows furrowed as he grabbed another tool to work on his car. Taryn took a breath before thinking of an excuse. She couldn't really find one.. She couldn't tell them about the vampires and she didn't want to lie about anything. 

HERE FOR NOTHING  ▬ E. CALLWhere stories live. Discover now