▬ 06: ADVICE ▬

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Embry had always been the roughhousing type. He'd wrestle his cousins, friends, or even me down onto the floor.

His love language was physical touch. But never in my life did I ever see him move with the actual intent of hurting someone.

I was surprised that Jake even managed to pull Embry off from Quil. He was wild with anger and every punch he landed was full of rage. In this moment, I was almost afraid of Embry.

Embry stumbled back, his body shaking.

"Em!" I exclaimed, frowning.

He looked at me, but then stared down at his hands with a panicked look.

"I-I.. I have to go." He growled, pulling himself into his truck. My eyes widened.

"What?! Where are you going?" I exclaim, moving towards the vehicle. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. What the hell was wrong with him?

He backs out quickly, ripping his truck around to drive out.

"EMBRY, WAIT!" I call out. I sprint towards the truck, but he's moving too fast. Anddd.. he's gone.

I breathe in deeply and turn around, my eyebrows raised.

"Quil.. What the fuck happened?"

Quil is nursing his bloody nose, holding tissues up. His answer is garbled.

"Don't know. We were just messing around, then he blew up."

I turn and glare at Jacob, questioning him with my eyes. He nods, agreeing with Quil.

My hard eyes soften, but then glaze with confusion. What could've happened then? Why was he so pissed off?

"I'm ready to go home," I grunt. "I'm sure your nose is broken, Quil. Go to the hospital."

Quil rolls his eyes and smiles at me, flicking his hand in a 'whatever' motion. "I'll be fine, toots."

I give him a look. He scoffs but nods in soft agreement.

"Catch you later." I say softly to Quil as he retreats inside to Billy. Jacob climbs into the vehicle, starting it up. Bella sits in the middle, and I sit on the far side.

On the ride home, Jacob is silent. Thinking as much as I am.

Until I speak.

"Was that really all that happened..?" I ask flatly, looking over at him.


The answer shocks me. Why would Jacob keep something from me, especially this important?

I groan in anger.

"Well? What the hell happened Jacob?"

Jake bites his bottom lip, attempting to keep himself from saying anything. But it doesn't work for long.

"Quil was teasing him about your 'crush' on Tyler," He gives me a pointed look. "And Embry got super fired up."

My eyes open widely and my stomach feels like it's gonna fall out of my ass. I have one regret and one question.

I should've just told Embry the truth and his freak out wouldn't have happened. This situation proves that the truth is important, all of the time. I really need to get over myself.


Why was Embry so angry about that? What bothered him about the idea of me crushing on another guy?

Unless.. He wanted me himself?

I almost choke on my spit, but I catch myself, still making a gargling noise. My face stains bright red.

Jacob and Bella were looking at me weirdly. That's when I realize the whole time I'd been mentally mulling over this stuff, we'd been in my driveway.

"Um, sorry, I was just thinking," I say, "Gottagobyehaha."

I damn near tuck and roll myself out of Jacob's vehicle and rush into my house at the speed of light.

Sighing, I trek into Winn's office, finding him and Chase kissing. Ew. Before my presence is noticed, I beat feet to my room and close my door quietly, slumping onto my bed.

My thoughts are jumbled. I don't understand Embry's freakout or his reaction to me possibly liking someone else. I don't understand why I feel the way I feel for someone who I've treated nearly like a brother my entire life, and I don't understand why everything seems clear to everyone else. My frustrations soon get aimed at myself. If I was just truthful, no matter the consequences, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe Embry and I could go about our business like normal and be the friends we'd always been... With Quil and Jake at our sides. My eyes fill with tears.. This day has been more stressful than it was supposed to be.

Wiping my eyes, I climb beneath my covers and attempt to go to sleep, but I hear my door open. Chase stands in the doorway.

"Hi." I say, smiling weakly. Chase chuckles.

"Sorry you saw what you saw. Winn and I were going to take advantage of a little alone time.. But you came home early." He winces, sitting down at the foot of my bed. I shrug.

"It's okay. Sorry I interrupted."

He shakes his head, ruffling my hair. I groan in irritation, pushing his hand away and snorting. "We can't blame you. We left the door open."

I smile limply again.

"Is something bothering you, Tare?" He asks, furrowing his brows. "You seem upset."

I shake my head. I almost don't want to relive the situation through words.. It's been a really shitty day. I don't know what I want.. If I want to talk about it or if I want to sleep it off and give Embry a call in the morning.

"I know you, silly. What's wrong?"

I take a deep breath, crossing my fingers together. "Well.. Embry freaked out today because my friends were teasing him about me liking someone. Like freaked out," I admit. "He beat the crap out of Quil and drove away as fast as he could."

Chase's eyes widened. "What the hell." He says bewildered, grabbing my hand and squeezing.

"Yeah.. I don't know why he was so mad."

Chase thinks for a moment and then smiles oddly. I know what the explanation came out as in his head.

"Are you sure he's not upset because.. He's into you? And rumors going around you're into someone else?" He offers, raising an eyebrow.

I nod. "I thought that too. But I don't even like Tyler."

Chase rolls his eyes. "But Embry doesn't know that, dummy. I think that if you just tell Embry the truth, everything will resolve."

Chase always was good at giving advice.

I nodded, swallowing hard. "I'll call Em tomorrow. I'll fix this all." I said, determined.

Chase smiled, pulling me into a hug, squeezing me tightly. "I know you will. Get some sleep, hon."

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