5 - Tommy

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Following Newt into the outskirts of the Glade, I was met with a young boy - probably only 12 or 13 - who waved cheerily at me. Well, at least there's one nice person here. Besides Newt, that is. I mean, I think he's nice? I didn't know what to think anymore. Shaking my head, I smiled back at the boy. His eyes brightened, and a pang of pity hit my heart. I looked around him; there was no one anywhere near. Something told me that he didn't have any friends here, probably made fun of by the others.

Well, there's a similarity.

"Hey, I'm Chuck, what's your name?" The boy shouted when we were within hearing range. 

"Hey Chuckie, this is Greenie. He's all yours for the rest of the day. What's it like not being the bloody greenie anymore?" Newt replied, playfully punching him in the shoulder.

"Feels good," Chuck replied, laughing.

"Hey, I have a name, you know," I automatically snapped back at Newt. He turned to face me, obviously taken aback by my retort. "Shi- um no, nothing," I stammered, blushing. 

"What's your name, shank?" Newt asked, more curious and surprised than angry at my rudeness. I silently thanked the Gods for his great attiude, then began to formulate a reply that should have been easier than counting to three.

But I couldn't.

"I, er, my name is -" I stuttered, horrified. What is my name? Who am I? Beads of sweat began to dot my forehead, and my heartbeat quickened in a flash. How did I not know my name? Fear and horror at the situation gripped my heart and I stumbled backwards, trying to search my empty mind for a word that represented me.

But I couldn't.

"I-I don't know," I admitted at last, drowning in a tsunami of sadness. "I don't kn-" Suddenly, a bright light seemed to shine in my mind, and my eyes widened. Suddenly, I knew. "Thomas," I breathed, hardly able to contain my relief and excitement. "THOMAS!" I shouted, clenching my fists, "My name is Thomas!" 

"Great job, Tommy. That's the first step, you're going to get better every day. Well, as better as you're ever gonna bloody get." Newt's voice brought me down from my euphoria. He rolled his eyes, but smiled to show he was genuinely happy for me. A good feeling soared inside me as I watched his smile.

Wait a minute. He'd called me Tommy. I get my personal nickname? 

I tried to hide my blush as I smiled, following Chuck into the hut as Newt walked away, back to whatever he was doing before I arrived.


I liked it.


The sun had set and the moon had risen in the span of seconds. I had only been here for a couple of hours, but I could already see how things worked in this place. Alby was the leader, and Newt was the second in command. But Newt was kinder and seemed more of a people-person than Alby, who I had barely seen for a couple of minutes before he had gone back to wherever he came from. No one defied them.

For dinner, I ate with Chuck and Newt, while Alby still didn't come out of his little hole. I was slowly getting used to the Glader terms, though I doubt I was going to use them any time soon. At night, I slept in a hammock next to Chuck, who honestly could not shut up. I listened most of the time, and he seemed to be content with that. 

But now, it was getting late, and most of the boys around me seem asleep. I couldn't sleep, though, and my mind kept wandering to my situation. And Newt, but that was besides the point. Rolling to my side, I called out softly to Chuck. He opened an eye and muttered a muffled "what".

"Do you know what this place is? Or why we're here? Or what's outside? Or-" I started firing him questions.

"I don't know man, just stick with the rules and you'll be fine. We're safe here, safer than in the maze anyways," he muttered sleepily, but I caught on one word.

"Maze?" What maze?

"Oh, shuck it, I didn't say anything. You're right, what maze? There's no maze. Don't listen to me, I'm just talking klunk." Chuck seemed more awake now, desperately trying to cover up what seemed to be a little slip up.

However, as intrigued and curious as I was, I didn't feel like making the boy feel bad because he accidentally told me something he apparently shouldn't have. "Go to sleep, Chuck," I replied, then turned around, my own mind racing to answer the millions of questions floating around inside it.

I made up my mind as I saw Newt walking towards the hut where he, as the co-leader, probably had the priviledge of staying in, from another run-down building by the kitchen. Tomorrow, I was going to ask him.

Tomorrow, I was going to search for answers.

With the image of Newt fresh in my mind, I close my eyes and sink into a frightful sleep.

A/N: Okay this chapter didn't really have any newtmas stuff sorry about that but I think (hope?) that the next one will!!! 

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