3.6K 124 23

Sorry if you thought this was an update but I just wanted to thank everyone for giving this fic a chance :'D

Yes, everyone, including you silent readers. I know because I used to be one XD

Because WE HIT 10K READS (actually 11k but) OMFG WHAT EVEN HOWWW :'))))) I love you guys so, so much!!! I remember when I posted my first chapter and got excited over 10 people reading my story. I aimed for 1k then, I can't believe I could get this many views!!! 

And following that we also got 550+ votes... Thank you so so much!!! Words cannot express how happy I am. Especially for you guys who comment on all (most) my chapters even though I may not reply, I read every single one of them. And when you comment even the simplest things like "great" "omg" or whatever reaction etc. you had, you literally make my day. I love checking wattpad after posting a new chapter because the comments and votes cheer me up so much. There are LIVING, BREATHING people reading and loving what I wrote, and that's just amazing.

Like today, which sucked because we had full dress rehersal for some competition and our team was completely screwed over, I was feeling super down and stressed but when I checked my notifications (my phone said I had 4 notifs but when I checked I had like 72 wtf) my day got better so much. Especially after reading all your lovely cute comments

With this I'll also like to say that I'M SORRY for not updating more regularly, I really am :(. As I said above the competition is really really near (less than a month) and I go home every day at like 10pm. It's supposed to be holiday for us now (for this week) but oh hey look I haven't touched on homework. The competition ends mid April, so after that I SHOULD be much more free :) I'm sorry!!!

Argh I'm rambling on again aren't I. Anyways, I hope you read through all that XD Really, I love you all, and I can't thank you enough. Please just keep doing what you're doing, and I'll try my best to keep doing what I'm doing! :)

QOTC even though this isn't a chapter: Do you have Instagram? I'll follow you :)

AOTC: My fandom account is bloody.wolves :D I post TMR and TW edits, stuff etc. Follow me - I follow back!!

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