2 - A New Beginning?

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-Starting from here it will be Thomas POV-

I gazed up at the oddly high definition screens plastered around the room. Each was focused on one single boy, the rest on various parts of the Glade - the broken down hut, the small path of forest, the farmland, buildings, the supply crate and finally the maze itself. But I barely glanced at them as I see all the boys crowding around the supply crate entrance, and a new screen simultaneously flicker to live.

And there, awkwardly slumped at a corner of the crate was Newt.

He was huddled in his slightly oversized hoodie, its pristine white a huge contrast from the dark crate. He looked adorable. I remember requesting for him to be sent up in that hoodie; it was one of mine, and I thought that if we could never be together, at least he would carry my scent up with him to the hellhole he'll probably stay at for the rest of his life. That was the only thing I had requested of Teresa... I refused to tell her why, but she seemed fine with it. We were best friends, after all. She could definitely see some of my feelings, but oh well, that's what best friends are for. I felt a pleasant feeling wash across my body for the first time that day. I smiled to myself... He just looked so cute. For a moment, I let my thoughts wander, imagining myself cuddling and kissing him with that adorable hoodie. I smiled to myself, then I mentally slapped myself.

The sun did wonders to his highlighted blond hair - I couldn't help but notice. But though he was every bit the angelic boy I had sold my heart to, the expression on his face pained me. It was one of not only horror and confusion but also one of desperation and despair. I knew that look - it was the same look he had on his cute face that day he had been sent (more like captured) to this horrible prison of a place. The day I fell head over heels in love with him.

However, our love was never meant to be. Or my love, rather, because I'm just about as sure he doesn't like me as I am of my name. He probably hates me for working with these heartless people to put him in this real-life nightmare, and there's nothing I can do about it. I've never been allowed to come in contact with him, or any other subjects as Chancellor Paige had called them. In fact, I haven't spoken one word to him since he came here; the most I could do was watch him from afar. No one knew about my little crush, not even Teresa. Close as we are, I couldn't tell her... I couldn't tell anyone, much less Newt himself.

I felt the tears building up behind my eyelids and I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. I willed them to go away. When I opened my eyes, the boys in the screen in front of me had helped Newt out of his uncomfortable situation, and he was now sitting by himself, leaning against a tree trunk, his head in his hands.

I could see that he was crying... His shoulders were shaking, his hands trembling. And it physically pained me to find that no one, not one person, had bothered to comfort him, talk to him, or even ask him for his name. My fingers flexed at my side. I yearned to stroke his hair, to touch his face and to wrap my arms around my poor boy.

And at that moment, I felt an anger that was indescribable... It was more than anything I had felt before. I wanted to slap those other jerks who cared too less for their own good, who thought of no one but themselves. Had they forgotten how they were when they, too, had first arrived, shaken and scared? Couldn't they notice the depressed boy sitting alone out in the open?

Then I felt a hatred for WICKED. The analysts and creators must be watching this from behind their little offices, making brain patterns for their stupid cure. Forget the cure, save the people, for God's sake! Do they not have any bit of emotion left inside them? Was seeing a broken hearted boy who had lost everything - literally - in his life not enough for them to realise the pain they're putting these innocent people through just to get some dumb cure which possibility is still a question mark?

Apparently not.

I almost find myself, fist in the air, ready to smash the glass table in front of me when a movement from the screen caught my eye.

Newt had wiped his face of his tears, the remaining of which still glistened in the dim light. I saw him reach into the pocket of his hoodie and taken out a small folded note hastily scribbled on a piece of ripped out note paper. My heart tightened. I knew that all too well.

On the background of the note was the grey words WICKED IS GOOD, as WICKED had done for all its official documents, notebooks and equipment. Egoistic bastards. Anyways, I inch closer as I see Newt's eyes widen at the sight of the words. I was surprised it hadn't fallen out of his pocket when he travelled up the supply crate.

I saw him flip the note over to examine the back of it, a look of curiosity flashing across his face. Finally, he frowned, shrugged, and stuffed the note back into his pocket. I breathed a sigh of relief, and I smiled.

He didn't throw it away.

A/N: What did the note say? DUN DUN DUNNNN Actually I was gonna reveal it here but decided to do it at a later chapter hehehehe

I hope you're enjoying my story so far! Please feel free to comment your thoughts, feedback and anything! :)

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