25 - Playing With Emotions

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Thomas POV

Newt and I sneaked out of the room, not hesitating to run as fast as we could out of the godforsaken Underground. When we finally got out of the maze of corridors, we reached a foyer-like place with an open ceiling. It was, not surprisingly, already night, a silver moonlight our only source of light. Newt's flashlight had run out of battery, while mine was lost somewhere in the Underground. It was dark, but I was not going to risk going back there.

"I guess this is where we'll have to sleep then," Newt said. I nodded, and grimaced. I hated this; we were acting like nothing had ever happened between us. Like everything was completely normal, just acquaintances. Not even friends.

I'm sorry. I still love you. Please forgive me, I wanted to say. Instead, I pointed to a faded blue jeep parked against the wall. "We can sleep there, it's safer."

And so we walked, in silence, to the rusty jeep. There wasn't much space in it, but it was better than sleeping right out in the open.

"Newt, I began, when we closed the doors of the jeep. Its windows were broken; gone, so that made us more vulnerable, but at least we had flowing air. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for telling Aris. It's just- I couldn't make myself tell you. I couldn't bear to see your hurt expression. But now, I guess I made it worse."

Newt shut his eyes, a pained look on his face. "It's alright, Tommy. I'm alright."

Any normal person would be relieved, but I could see through Newt. I knew he wasn't alright in the slightest sense... My heart ached for him, and even more so since I knew it was because of me. And I was determined to make it up to him.

"No, it's not. Please, Newt. I want 'us' back. I know you're mad at me, but please, just let me make it up to you."

A strange expression flashed across his eyes. It was unlike anything I'd see before. Not hurt, sadness, or rage... I couldn't quite put my finger on it. "I'm sorry," he whispered, and I felt a hole rip open my heart. "Goodnight, Tommy."

Maybe that was what Newt felt.

As he turned away from me, I tried my best to hold back my tears. I had to get him back. I couldn't live without Newt.


I'd only realised I had fallen asleep when a quiet sob woke me up. I had pretty much planned on staring at the single star in the sky until dawn, but my exhaustion was too much. I turned around - the sob was from Newt.

Of course it would be from him, stupid. Who else would be here?

I didn't want to know.

"Are you okay?" I asked immediately. Obviously not, what do you think?! As if by instinct, I reached out for his hand. He flinched a little when I touched him, but he didn't shrink away.

Similarly, it hurt a little to watch that flinch, but things could be much worse between us. As of this moment.

"I'm sorry, Tommy. I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me," he started, then paused to cough. I patted his back, not knowing what to expect.

"I don't know why I thought I can live without you, because I can't. I'm sorry I need you so much. I sound so clingy, so needy... Oh god, I'm pathetic."

"No, I need you too. You're strong. Stronger than me, stronger than everyone here. You're the strongest and bravest person I've ever met."

His eyes widened a little, as if he'd never heard anyone compliment him like this before. My heart swelled. I wanted to hug him, to tell him that everything was going to be alright. "Thank-Thank you," he sniffed. "The point is, I'm sorry for everything I've done. I hope it's not too late to tell you that I still bloody love you."

I pulled him into a hug, holding him as close as possible to me, feeling the soft beating of his heart. I finally let those tears flow onto his shirt.

"I love you too, Newt," I choked out before his lips crashed onto mine. I relished in the taste of him, mixed with hurt, anger and the salt of our tears. I tangled my fingers in his hair, his soft moans driving me crazy. After a while, he tugged on the bottom of my shirt, and I let him take it off before stripping Newt of his shirt too, going insane as his hands travelled all over my body. My body pressed against his, in all the right places, our misery dissolving in a cloud of love and lust.


When we woke up, it was to the sound of gunfire. Quickly, we set up and put on our clothes, then stepped out of the jeep, my hand in Newt's. Before I got out, I turned back to inspect the jeep one last time... And doing that, I saw a small metal plate on its dashboard - Thomas, you're the leader. You have always been the leader. It was signed off with the initials SS.

With Newt beckoning me, however, I left the jeep in a state of confusion.

We walked towards the gunfire, entering the gigantic building once again, stopping when we saw through broken and dusty windows three men standing around a girl around our age tied to a chair. Instead of desperation or sadness, however, she was lashing out however she could, and though her words were muffled by her gag, it sounded like she was cursing at them.

I didn't think I had made any sound, but the biggest guy must have heard or sensed me because he turned around with a nauseating, evil grin.

"I see you've found your way here all by your own, huh Thomas?" I opened my mouth to speak, my heart hammering in my chest, but he didn't let me. He moved a finger, and in a flash the other two men were beside us, one dragging Newt away and one holding me still.

"He'll take care of your little boyfriend. You're coming with me," the first guy said to me. I watched, hopeless, as Newt was dragged away from me, his escape attempts futile.

Finally, I turned to the girl on the floor, watching the exchange with a frown.


A/N: There are so many Teen Wolf references in this holy shit. And by a lot I mean 3. Heh. I guess now is also the time to tell you that I am planning on writing a sequel (wow how nice this book is not even close to done), but I want to make it a Teen Wolf/Maze Runner crossover fic, taking place in Paradise. Yup. But I'll be explaining everything in Teen Wolf so don't worry if you don't watch it! (Go watch it though it's amazing) Yeah hehe but obviously that'll only be out when I finish this which isn't any time soon LOL.

ALSO: Silver Lining hit 20k reads!! omg :O Thank you guys so so much <3 I love you all :3

Thanks to my new followers too: oh_the_pain, catsplease, kendall707, fandombabe, VforViola, AraceliBautista, nvrlndpeter, X_persephone_, imabookDragon01, Razorsedge-cd, SubjectA24, TadashiHamadaFan1, Ratlifffan, IyaMalfoy, JaynieClay, Unexplain-sparrowfur, ishoulddomyhomework, bravefanboy, miss_cutie2, crimsonNazure, cokizncrim, Stucky_Soldier, Hamtaroratmah, NeverlandCupcake, and lcmpoetry! :D

QOTC: Time until holidays?

AOTC: 2 days!! Hell yeah

Thank you again for reading :) Please give this a vote if you enjoyed it, and comment your feedback! Much wuv <3

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