27 - Good Or Evil

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Thomas POV

Darkness, then light.

Swinging lights, each one taking its time to blind me.

Air; the feeling of flight.

Where am I?

A female voice, "WICKED is good."


A/N: Sounds familiar? That's because it is ;)


I opened my eyes, finally feeling the energy to do so, expecting light bright enough to blind me. It almost did. When my vision focused, I saw that, once again, I was in an unfamiliar environment, with a few people around me. A strong sense of deja vu enveloped me, except this time it was slightly different. For one, I could remember things. Not to mention the fact that I was in a completely white room, save for the grey words on those people's clothes. I squinted, reading it - WICKED is good.

Immediately, I felt my senses sharpen, all thought of sleep gone. What the hell was I doing here? With WICKED? A woman looked over at me and I quickly closed my eyes. Whatever they were doing to me, better they thought I was unconscious. This way, I could maybe get some information from them, if I was lucky.

"The wound's just about healed. We'll just do a few more tests later, then he's free to go," she said. Wound? What wound?

Wait a minute. My thoughts flashed back to the last thing I recalled - being shot. Not a very nice thing to recall, might I add.

Hearing the woman's footsteps fade away, I slowly moved my shoulder.

It wasn't hurting anymore. What? Did they heal me? Why would WICKED do so? Why were they ...helping me after all this?

I froze when I heard the woman's voice again. "Are the prints all right?"

"Yes, ma'am. As unplanned as this is, we speculate that this might be even better for us," a man replied. 

"Why would anyone have a working gun there anyways? It's dangerous."

There was a moment of silence, filled only by my own racing heartbeats and the clickling sound of heels against the ground, until the woman spoke again. "Very well." her tone was light, perhaps even joyful. "We'll let him rest for a while, then we'll send him back. Meanwhile you can bring me to see the blueprints."

"Ma'am, he might be awake. We don't want him to see the other subject, do we?"

"Let him. It won't matter in the end." She laughed, a pleasant sound.

The door opened, then closed. I opened an eye, finally releasing a breath when I saw that no one was in the room. My mind was all over the place - what had she meant by the 'other subject'? Who else was here? Was anyone else shot? I groaned at all the questions running through my head. This felt like the Maze all over again, but worse. Because Newt wasn't here with me, to make everything feel better.

Wait. Newt! Shuck, I had almost forgotten about him! How could I? I was such a bad person, I deserve to be shot. All over. My heart ached at the thought of him... What they could be doing to him right at this moment, and I couldn't help him. 

I tried to sit up, to do something, and that was when I realised that I was where I was. In something like a hospital room, possibly in WICKED headquarters. I couldn't waste time now, and if I couldn't help Newt where I was, then I had to do something else. There could be valuable things in the room. I wasn't going to waste this key opportunity. 

With this in mind, I slowly climbed out of bed, surprised to find no wires attached to my arms. Well, it's a shoulder wound after all, not a disease. I found myself dressed in clean, hospital clothes, my old clothes nowhere to be seen as I tiptoed across the room. I found a few files with all sorts of medical reports, some photos that looked like xrays of brains, and a few notes on my shoulder wound. The only interesting thing I found was a page on the Flare and it's spreading amongst the Cranks. Apparently, there was an old Crank couple diagnosed years ago, but they were faring better than most other Cranks. WICKED suspected it was blood transplants from people who were immune. I didn't know there were people who were immune.

Finally, after scouting out everything in the room, I made my way to the curtain covering the glass wall which separated my room from others. Slowly, I pushed back a corner of the curtain. What could WICKED be keeping?

I gasped when I saw the pale figure lying on the bed, my heart skipping a beat. It was Newt. My Newt. He was here. A few meters and a pane of glass away from me. I automatically pushed against the wall separating us, my fingers splayed out on the cold hard glass. I think I stopped breathing for second. He was right there, though he seemed worlds away. His eyes were shut tight, and his fists were clenched. Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead. He seemed to be in a lot of pain, and right then, right there, I would give anything to get him out of it, to stroke his soft hair and to reassure him that everything was going to be fine.

"Please, Tommy, don't. I thought you loved me. Please," he seemed to say, but I could only read his lips. They spoke of agony, of pain, of suffering. It physically hurt me to see my love in so much pain. I slammed my fist against the wall, but it didn't budge, much less break. All I got from it was a bruised hand and hurt feelings. 

Footsteps echoed in the hallway outside my room. Shit, the doctors were back. Quickly, I scampered back to my bed, promising Newt that I would save him. And I would, when I can. I would do anything for him. 

"Thomas, you're all healed and ready. Guess it's time to send you back where you came from," the same woman said. I felt the prick of a needle against my arm, and heard one last confusing thing before unconsciousness dragged me into its depth for the millionth time today. "It's what you would have wanted us to do."

A/N: YAY 2 updates in a day in half a week :)) but for once I had a pre written chapter oh my let's have a round of applause for me

WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH NEWT? OH NO. The next chapter will have a part in his POV so yay. I love writing in Newt's POV because it's not written in the actual book and because I love newt :P

QOTC: When do you usually sleep and wake up?

AOTC: For the past few days at like 1am+ and wake up at 7 for competition stuff lol oops

I think I'm a little hysterical (understatement of the century) but please vote if you liked this and comment your feedback! WOOH LOVE YOU

Oh god.

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