17 - Revealed

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Thomas POV

By the time the helicopter stopped, it was evening. Newt had fallen asleep, and I too was nodding off, my head still comfortably on Newt’s chest. Minho woke us up as the helicopter landed in a cloud of dust. I looked out of the window - the our helicopters stopped in front of a massive building. It was much bigger than the Homestead in the Glade, but it was completely nondescript. Grey walls, no windows, a grey door… I wondered what was in it.

I gently kissed Newt’s forehead, waking him. He opened his eyes and lifted his head up, his lips meeting mine. Both our lips were chapped, and the kiss was short, but still heavenly. We stopped when Minho cleared his throat uncomfortably, pointedly looking away from us.

“Get a room, or get out,” he said. We smiled, then pushed the door of the helicopter open. We walked forward to join the rest of the Gladers. It was hot - very hot. Just walking towards them I was already sweating. The temperature was a huge difference from the tropical yet cool temperature of the Glade. I wiped my forehead, wiping off sweat, dirt and bits of rust from who-knows-where. I took a deep breath. The air smelt burnt, like there was a lingering trace of smoke.

THE CHEMICALS - radioactive by imagine dragons]

Everyone looked exhausted. The weird army people guided us into the building. We followed soundlessly behind, too tired to talk. Yet this place didn’t exactly seem like a haven… 

And then we entered.

A rush of cold air hit me. I admired the house with my jaw slack - the walls were a creamy colour, the floor mahogany wood and framed by dark red and gold linings. Paintings were hung on the walls, each one perfectly straight and perfectly polished. We were led into another room - this one with a grand table filled with all sorts of food. I drooled at the sight of it: steak, spaghetti, stew, salads, fries, lamb, fish, even pizza… My stomach grumbled loudly, perfectly in sync with another dozen stomachs. It’s been far too long…

“All these are yours. When you’re done, you can proceed to the adjoining room to rest for the night,” a man said, as if reading our minds. “Enjoy it while you can.”

“I think I’ve been shucked and gone to heaven,” Minho whispers beside me, and I couldn’t agree more.

We dove in to the food. Every bite, every dish tasted so good. Lasagna? Sure! Mashed potatoes? Of course! Burgers with double layered patty and extra cheese? Why the hell not?! After all, the food was all for us. And the guy did say for us to enjoy it while we can - I wondered what that meant, but right now I couldn’t care less.

After a while, we were all completely full, yet the food was only half finished. Still, we escorted ourselves into the room nearby like we were told to do so. The room had many bunk beds against the walls, evidently for us to sleep in, a huge set of drawers and a door that opened to a bathroom. Newt and Minho quickly established a showering system, and a while later everyone was clean and in new clothes provided to us by whoever who was in charge of this place. 

“Newt,” I said quietly when no one was listening, tugging on his sleeve, “we need to tell the others, you know. Especially since we’re probably going to be stuck here for a long time.”


“We’re free now, Newt. There’s no more fighting for our lives. We may be separated, I don’t know. This is our best chance. Everyone’s here.”

Newt sighed. “Okay, we’ll tell them before we sleep. I’m just worried - what if they don’t accept us? I don’t want what happened when I first came to happen again. I’m scared, Tommy. I’m bloody scared.”

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