26 - The One That Got Away

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Thomas POV

Brenda gave me a grimace-smile in acknowledgement. It disappeared quickly, replaced by a scowl as one of the remaining men dragged her up.

"Come along," he said in a gruff voice. The guy holding me complied, forcing me to walk behind Brenda.

"Where are we going?" I asked, curious despite the impending feeling of dread etched in my brain.

"Somewhere fun," he replied, turning around, grinning and exposing a mouth full of rotten teeth. I frowned, gulping. That didn't sound good.

"A club?" I asked when we stopped in front of a run down building. The music inside was loud enough for one to hear miles away. From what I could see, all sorts of people... Cranks - danced inside haphazardly, hypnotized by the music. I didn't know what I was expecting with "fun", but it was certainly not this. Not a club, of all things.

"Go on, go in," he said, all but shoving me inside. The other man untied Brenda, pushing her in after me. She glared at him in indignance, before taking my arm and bringing me inside.

Once I entered, I wanted more than anything to get out. The smell of alcohol, sweat and blood rushed into my nose, unwelcomed and overwhelming. I gasped for breath, my vision blurring; I tried to back out but the door closed with a definite thud. I scrambled to find the knob, but tripped over myself and backed into a table. Frustrated, I let out a growl.

I can't be here right now, I need to find Newt, I kept telling myself, fumbling for a way out, crashing into bodies. The beat of the music fuddled with my thoughts.

"Have some of this, it'll make you feel better," a sickeningly sweet voice sounded in my ear before a cup of something was shoved in my face. It smelled sweet, like strawberry concentrate mixed with beer. Before I could stop myself, I poured it down my throat.

The drink left a burning path behind it, but it made me feel ...good. Happy. My vision clouded, a red fog spreading to wherever I looked. The swinging yellow lights were hypnotizing, as were the swaying bodies, the spinning room...

"Thomas, dance with me," I heard Brenda say beside me. I wanted to shake my head, but my legs moved themselves to her, and I swayed to the music. Panic clouded my head for a second, but it was quickly replaced by glee.

Brenda leaned into me, her lips inches from mine. I felt myself leaning in, but I managed to wrench myself out of it, my heart beating in a frenzy.

"You're not him... You could never be him..." I mumbled, just long enough for me to see the hurt in her eyes before I sank into a sea of black.


When I awoke, it was to clattering of knives and blood curdling screams. I winced, not wanting to open my eyes. What a perfect wake up call. My head thumped, pain pulsing throughout my body.

I opened my eyes, waiting for a second for my eyes to focus. They didn't. My vision swam, but the previous red fog was gone. I saw a vague bloodied figure a few feet in front of me, a knife in each hand.

"Glad to see you're awake," he said. Minho. I was suddenly aware of my surroundings - Gladers fighting Cranks. A bloodbath. We seem to be winning, though. Thank god - I wasn't ready to lose more people.

Speaking of losing people, my thoughts drifted to Newt. Where the hell was he? Is he okay? Is he alive? These thoughts drifted through my mind, making me sick with worry.

"We need to find Newt," I managed to say after getting my tongue to work. No one heard me, so I shouted.

"Isn't he with you?"

A sudden anger rose in my chest. "Does he shucking look like he's with me?!" I shouted, then immediately apologized. Truth was, my mind was still weird after the club. So, I told them how Newt was taken away from me.

After we made sure the Cranks left were either dead, passed out or willing to surrender, we decided to look for Newt. It was quite an impossible task to find him in this gigantic place, but we had to try. I had to try.

Worry consumed me as we frantically looked around. We moved as a group, for fear that more Cranks find us if we split up. I stopped short when we came up to the entrance of the room where Brenda and I were kept captive before the club, seeing a figure inside.

"Newt?!" I shouted, my heartbeat speeding up. I clenched my jaw as the figure moved closer to the door, in abrupt limps.

The door opened with a creak.

A battered figure emerged, with bloody blond hair. It held a gun, steady despite obvious wounds.

He wasn't Newt.

He smiled, shards of glass sticking out of his arms and face explaining why he managed to escape the bloodbath and the hole in the window.

"What did you do with Newt?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. It broke halfway through.

He ignored me. "Ah, I see you and your little girlfriend have escaped," he said, malice and insanity shining in his eyes.

"She's not my girlf-" I automatically replied, but a searing pain in my shoulder prevented me from finishing.

I felt the pain before I heard the bang, a loud echoing sound that pierced my eardrums. I staggered back then crashed into the ground, clutching my shoulder. I couldn't hear the shouts, only feel the pain travel up my body, the blood pulsing and burning sting of the wound.

The last thing I saw was Minho punching the Crank straight in the jaw. You go Minho, I somehow thought before I sank, yet again, to a pit of black nothingness.


Newt's POV

Darkness, then light.

Swinging lights, each one taking its time to blind me.

Air; the feeling of flight.

Tommy - where was Tommy?

Where am I?

A female voice. "Good luck, Newt."

"Remember, WICKED is good."


A/N: Where's Newt? :O of course I already know muhahahaha but this, as you can see, is where I start deviating from the story, though the major plotline is still the same :>

I'm actually on vacation now, so I'm typing all this on my phone and god it feels weird. It's also windy as hell so my fingers are freezing XP but I wanted to get this out once I came back haha. Wattpad is banned there/here which is stupid but oh well.

QOTC: How cold/warm is it currently where you're at?

AOTC: At vacation, it's basically 15+ degrees but the wind is killer. Normally at home, it's just summer weather.

I read an old chapter (to see how to continue) on my phone, and I just realised how freaking lOng my A/Ns are. Oh my I'm sorry D: but you'll have to live with it because I like writing it :P

Anyways, thanks for reading! Please vote if you liked it, and comment feedback! See you soon <3

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