28 - Strangled, Afraid

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Thomas POV

True to their word, I was back in the Scorch in a matter of seconds. Or maybe hours, who knows. I felt myself being placed on the ground; heard voices and sensed movement around me, but all I could see was a sea of black. My body refused to move, yet all my other senses seemed to work.

"Shuck, he's alive," I heard Minho. "Thought you were dead, shank."

"Thank Jesus," I heard another, softer voice. I felt a soft kiss brushed upon my forehead. Brenda. An uneasy feeling rose to my throat, and I tried to frown, but I couldn't. Did she not get the message?

"Lay off him, he's all Newt's," Minho said, his harsh tone like music to my ears. Wow, how things have changed.

A while later, I woke up, but it felt like I was still dreaming. Everything felt way too fake and I was in a daze, my movements slow and dizzy. I told the rest what happened, only briefly mentioning Newt. I didn't know why, but it just felt ...private. Like something no one else should know.

Hazy memories flashed in my mind; Newt's helpless thrashes and pained look. I couldn't stand it. I wanted to think it through, to analyse every bit of it, but at the same time I really didn't. It would just work me up into a frenzy and I'd achieve nothing. 

That was, until a voice sounded in my head. A strangled, female voice.


Tom, please trust me. Bad things are going to happen. You're going to feel scared, helpless... But please, just trust me. I'm always on your side... And Newt, he's -

Her voice cut off, but I captured every word. I tried to focus on the bulk of her words but my thoughts always travelled to Newt... Teresa knew something about him. Something I didn't. I had to get to her, then I could possibly get it out of her.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Heavy footsteps against dry sand, matching the the pace of my heart.

The searing heat blasted down on us.

A figure.


When we reached them, all wary, I was surprised to see that it was Teresa. My breathing became shallower when I saw her. There was something off about her... But all I could think about was Newt. She knew something about him that I didn't. I had to follow her.

Even if it meant sacrificing myself.

And so I did.


I remembered it. I remembered it all too clearly.

I remembered seeing him fall from the walls.

I remembered seeing the light go out from his eyes, and the blood pool around his body.

I remembered seeing the harsh red light from the Beetle Blade reflect upon the crimson of his blood.

I remembered the helplessness I felt. The helplessness and the anger, that I wasn't able to do anything. The feeling of breathlessness, like I was being strangled and eaten alive. The emptiness afterwards, wanting to stuff something into my heart to fill the void. The hatred.

I remembered thinking he was dead.

It changed everything.

"Come with me," Teresa whispered, waking me from my slumber. Warily, I followed her. Nothing much had happened in the past day, just aimless walking, but with Group B instead. Some of the girls chattered. I tuned them out, focusing on my one and only goal.

It wasn't the safe haven. It was Newt.

I knew something wasn't right when she led me into a cave. The walls of the cave glowed a neon green, cold despite the dry heat in the Scorch. My mouth went dry when I entered.

"Tommy? Is that you?"


Newt's POV

(Trigger warning: self harm)

Pictures flashed before my eyes; pictures of death, of fire, of suffering. I tried to look away, to move my body, but I couldn't. It was like I was in a dark movie theatre, bound to my seat, with my eyes glued to the screen. Then I saw a tape of myself, falling from the Maze wall. I gasped, the old buried depression resurfacing, ready to swallow me whole. 

I saw myself raising the broken glass shard to my forearms, then the black red of fresh blood. A nauseating feeling filled my stomach. I didn't want to see this. I didn't want to be reminded of this.

I couldn't breath; though I gasped for breath.

"He did this." Huge words appeared on the screen, followed by pictures of my Tommy working at WICKED, viewing cameras from everywhere in the Glade. No, I thought to myself, Tommy had no idea what he was doing. But the pain was still there. The pain was always there.

Next, pictures of Thomas kissing Teresa. I gaped at the screen, feeling bile rise up at the back of my throat. I wanted to close my eyes. I wanted so bad not to look at the screen, but I couldn't. She kissed him, he didn't like it. He pushed her away. He loves me, and I love him. I kept on reminding myself, but as the tapes played over and over again, I couldn't help but let doubt slip into my mind.

No, I tried to scream, he would never do this to me. But all that came out was a strangled whisper.


A/N: Okay shit this is so short ugh. I hate myself for updating so late (though it's kinda normal). And because I WANT TO WRITE MORE but I also want to end it on a cliffhanger XD which is why it's so short.

O h n o now you know what Newt's been going through. It hurt my heart to write this omg. I kinda put myself in their shoes when I write/wrote this, so it was a horrible/great experience. Watch out for more emotional crap in the next chapter(s).

QOTC: What should you be doing right now?

AOTC: The shit tons of homework I haven't done in the past month. And school starts in like 3 days. GG me.

Once again, thanks for reading :> I'll try to update soonish. Maybe. Hopefully. Please give this a vote if you liked it, and comment your feedback! <3

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