Chapter 24- Take A Breath

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••••••••••Andie's POV••••••••••

Walking through the school halls never been so hard for me. I used to be just one of those boring unpopular sweetheart of this school; almost invisible if it weren't just because I'm Lianne's best friend until yesterday. I feel like every pair of eyes pinned to me wherever I go. Some looked envious, nosy, and tons of girls are scowling at me like I'm some kind of prey to eat. I swear, if glares could kill, I would probably be dead by now.

It is even harder now that none of my brothers or Lianne is around me. I think I'm going to melt with all those staring people!

I walk as fast as I can trying to avoid everyone's gazes. I lowered my head, okay maybe so low that I can't even see the way I was going, just to keep everyone from seeing it was me when I bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch it! Freak!" I looked up and see three senior girls with all their faces covered with thick face paint they so called 'make-up' glaring at me.

Their uniforms aren't worn properly; like one of them got her skirt shorter than the original, the other one on the left got her school jacket sleeves wrapped around her small waist and the girl in the middle doesn't even have her jacket with her and is just wearing our white long sleeves with three buttons undone revealing her must-be-hidden-soul.

I spontaneously cringed with the sight. These girls were all been copying Lianne's different way of wearing our school uniform but obviously, they've overdone it! Saying that they have done it too exageratedly would be an understatement. They can never pull it off like how Lianne can. I mentally smirked.

I muttered sorry but then the jacket girl seemed to notice me, "Hey, aren't you Shane Wilhem's girlfriend?" she asked making her two other friends furrowed their brows and study me as well.

I was about to deny it when the girl in the middle interrupts, "Yeah, it was you! Unbelievable! You aren't even that pretty!" she said in disgust.

"What did Shane ever see in you! Did you cast some spell on him, you witch?" asked the girl from the right

I just let an amused sigh. I cannot start a day with some lame fight with this lame people in front of me. I was just about to ignore and just walk past them when the skirt girl grabbed me by my right arm making me flinch, "Hey, witch! We're still talking to you!", she dragged me back in front of them.

"I don't have time for this non-sense" I muttered but two of them grabbed both of my arms making it impossible for me to escape from their sluty grip.

"No one ever disrespected us like this, witchy!" the girl in the middle yelled towering me.

"Oh yeah? Well you dress like a whore to be respected, bitchy" I spat out sharply shrugging them off but I failed

The three of them gasped bemusedly then draw their attention back to me making their grip in my arms tighter.

"Ouch! That hurts!" I cried catching much attention than before

"You deserve that, you abominable twat!" said the girl from my right. The jacket girl. She called me what! How dare this bitch! I am no twat!

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