Chapter 5- Why He Hated Me

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Just as I promised, I would post Chapter 5 tonight so here it is. I hope you liked it. I'm so sleepy but I want to make it up to you guys. Finally, you would know why Andie hates Shane and what's between Andie and her dad.

Chapters are not edited so please correct some mistakes when you encountered one.

please comment and tell me what you think. Follow me please guys! Thank you!!



*Andie's POV*

As long as I want to be on my feet, my eyes just got heavier and got involuntarily closed. I'm getting really dizzy already when I felt someone touched my back.

There I finally passed out.


My eyes are still heavy. As far as I know, I'm not really hurt and actually, almost perfectly fine but I guess not. I can feel my head hurts. Badly.

I'm now mentally awake but I just can't open my eyes. But okay, I'll try. Open... open... open...

My eyes slowly open as light started to get in. I gently tried to tilt my head wondering what happened and where I am.

With less than a ten seconds of having a look of the place, I sigh. I am obviously at a hospital. I closed my eyes agin to have some recall of what happened lately.

My eyes instantly re-opened as everything in that incident flashed back in an instant. I got nervous again and my heart starts to beat five times faster than the usual.

Lots of questions in my mind started to pop-up. What happened to Shane? Is he alright? What will happen to me if dad and the boys knew this? Will I be arrested? What are the consequences of this mistake? What if the police knew that I'm a minor? Will I stay in jail? FOREVER?!!

Those questions just keep on getting into my mind. What if I got into jail? My life will be ruined!

'Wait! You wouldn't be on jail, you're a minor'

Yeah, I guess. But who knows!

Shane is to blame for all of these! That guy came is the one who came up with this idea.

'But you also agreed to it and made a deal. Not to mention you were the one who lost control and bumped into his car'

My conscience is killing me! Yes I have my fault also and I should have never made that deal with him.

As I thought of those things, it made me want to hammer my head with my own fist. I hate myself! I don't know what to do now.

This is not me! I've always come up with an idea for everything. I just need to rest a bit and get out of this freaking hospital and face what I should face.

Right. I would not let my dad get involved in any problem for this. He hated me already, no need to make it worse. My brothers shouldn't be dragged also. Of course I'd tell them but I wouldn't want them to suffer for this. I would take the consequences and and face this problem properly.

Out of my thoughts, someone opened the door. It was a nurse. What am I not surprised? Of course there would be a nurse here, this is a hospital.

"Oh! You're finally awake ma'am. You've been slept for almost an hour."

My eyes widened with the nurse's statement. It's almost an hour and none of my brothers are here to check out on me? Wow. Just wow.

I'm amazed by the thought of that and felt weird at the same time. My brother's shows more over-protectiveness than my dad. I also get the idea why. My dad is not protective as my brothers because dad hated me as long as I can remember.

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