Chapter 26- Feelings

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Hey guys... did I took so long? I'm so sorry I got busy with school stuff. Lots of things happened lately. If only I could talk to someone...

Anyways, enjoy reading! let me know what you think!


•••••Andie Rams' POV•••••

Ugh! My head hurts and my body is betraying me to move. I wanted to sit up, I really do, but I just cannot even dare to open my eyes. I feel so tired like my energy's all used up. I want to sigh, I want to swallow a lump but I can't. It was the very the same thing I felt before.

I am half awake and I swear, something just moved from my left.

Yeah, I know I'm in a hospital, I'm sure of that too. But...

A very familiar scent took over my nose making me flinch in confusion. I know this smell! I really do. I just don't know when or where I smelled it before. Definitely there's someone beside me. I even confirmed it when I heard some sigh and a sudden thud from the bed. My eyes flutter open and the sudden light blinded me as I fought my eyes to close again. I slowly tilted my head to my left and I almost didn't believe myself for what I saw.

A very oh-so-handsome Matthew Andrews is sleeping peacefully from the side of my bed looking like an angel from this angle. It feels like I can stare at this sight for the rest of the day.

Wait, is this even real? Is he really here? I bit my tongue hard and soon realized it wasn't really the best idea. But at least I know it is real.

He's just freaking too adorable I want to cry. Well, not really. Aww and those cute pinkish milky white cheeks, he looks so squishy I can squish him all day! He is a one true irrisistable boy!

But why is he here? Oh, maybe he saved me from those three bitches. Wait! No, last thing I remember was some girl shaking my body. I don't think I've seen him there before I passed out.

Maybe he came right after I fainted and saved me or maybe the girl cried for help, catched his attention and carried me right away. Argh, nevermind. I'll just get back to this beautiful creation beside me and study every detail. I was so out of my senses appreciating the view when my smile vanished in an instant.

His eyes starts to flutter open and he flashed me a heart-melting smile as soon as his eyes landed on mine, "Hey Missy", he greeted groggily sitting up as he wipes his right eye, "How are you feeling? Better?" he asked glancing from his watch

He suddenly flushed worried like he realized something and immediately stood from his seat, "You want to drink or eat something? It's lunch time."

Before I could even answer, he was already preparing the bed table from not so distant from my bed with a bowl of hot soup, a glass of water and the undying pancakes with honey on top, my favorite!

He turned back to me and carefully placed the bed table on, of course, my bed as I gave him a genuine smile that he also returned.

"Thank you Matt" I managed to say

"No problem Missy" he said

I stayed silent and just gave him a questioning look, "What's with that look?", he asked

I looked away, "Nothing, I was just thinking. But anyways--- what are you doing here? And how did I get in this place? Where was the girl who saved me?"

He chuckled, "I suppose that girl you're talking about's my friend, Jade. She called me and said it was an emergency. Shane brought you here and they were here too five hours ago. But Shane brought Jade back to school. I thought he must be here already but I guess he---" my eyes widened

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