Chapter 6- More For Mr. Haughty

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Shane's POV

'This is not happening! This is not happening! All what happened before. It's all coming back to me! That day. I will never forget that moment. Accidents and everything. I want to get out of this!

I was so scared of that day. That was the day that Aunt Lynda finally accepted me as her child. That day was a disaster! I want to get away with this!

See, it's because I am dad's son from another woman. My mom isn't dad's legal wife. My birth was only a huge mistake.

My mom isn't that rich but she was a childhood friend of my dad. When they grew up and she started to work as my dad's secretary, she also grew feelings towards him and same as for him towards her. Unfortunately, dad already had a wife whose carrying his baby and that time, I was already alive in my mother's womb.

I was a pure mistake, dad knew it.

When I turned 7, they were not able to hide me forever as they wanted and I finally got revealed and introduced as my dad's first child.

Aunt Lynda was really hurt that dad had cheated on her. And worse is the fact that their son wasn't dad's first born but no one else but me, the illegitimate child.

A year has past and Aunt Lynda finally decided to accept me like I was her own. But she had a condition. They should send my mom away from her and her son, from me, and away from dad.

That day, I am totally clueless with it and Aunt Lynda brought me and his son for a ride to get my attention. She made my day really special that her son got jealous of me.

When we get back into the car, her son kept teasing me and made everything to get noticed by his mom who is driving. Aunt Lynda looked back at us on the passenger's seat and didn't noticed a car coming. She got lost control of the car and crashed with another one.

We were brought into hospital and seems like life is just full of trickery with the news that I've got.

"You're Aunt Lynda is gone..." my dad sigh with sorrow in his eyes and continued,"...Your mom left you aswell. She's now in Canada." he left without saying another word.

My eyes got blurry as water started to form on my eyes. I don't believe this. Mom will never leave me. No... no...'

"No!" I yelled gasping for air. Everything flashed back in instant with just one dream.

As my breathing got normal, I started to realize that I'm not in my room.

I'm in hospital.

Bull, I hate that smell!

"Dreaming again, are we, Shane?" said by a familiar voice.

I tilted my head towards the voice and saw my best friend, Matthew, sitting like a monkey on a chair facing me.

"No, I am not!" I protested

"Ok, chill hot-head!..." he stared at me for a moment,"...what happened now?" he sighed

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