Chapter 20- Decisions And Missions

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New chapter!!! It's my favorite so far. I hope you'd like it. VOMMENT! LAST TIME YOU GUYS VOMMENT, THIS STORY RANKED. BUT HELP ME RANK IT HIGHER ^_^ LOVE Y'ALL!


-Andie Rams POV-

I'm having seconds thoughts of doing this thing with Shane. Don't get me wrong. I know I want to help him but some part of me is telling me not to. I mean, we aren't even really in good terms since way back then. It just doesn't seemed right. I'd be his bloody fake girlfriend then what? He'd get to play games on me? Sounds pretty awful.

Yes, it's indeed fake, pretend, unreal, and completely just for a show but it feels like I'd be doing a wrong move or something. Plus, I've never imagined myself to be 'his' girl. No, not even in my wildest dreams. And I don't even want to dream of it.

But damn it! I don't think I can refuse people asking for help. That's just how I roll. I help people and after that, I'd keep helping them. Lame, right?

I can't help it, I would always feel guilty with myself if something bad happens to them just cause I refused to help.

I need to decide soon or later. I can't keep him waiting for nothing.

I got caught from my train of thoughts when I felt lots of people staring at me. I heard buzzes around making me frown as I walked to my locker. Why does everybody need to be so rude this early.

Psh, lame people.

My heart raced.

I saw Shane nine lockers away from mine and met gazes with him. I think he was about to smile to me but suddenly turned into a cold expression when he seemed to be looking over my shoulder. So I turned to the direction he was looking at.

Unknowingly, a smile cracked on my face seeing the guy approaching my direction.

"Hi, Andie" he greeted

"Hey, Eric-uhh I mean — Hans. Uh- whatever" I stuttered

Gosh I don't know which name to call him. He doesn't look like Eric at all. A total transformation with a total difference giving me total goose bumps. No doubt nobody suspect a thing.

He chuckled, "You can call me Eric if you want" he said in his warm voice

I giggled.

Uh nope, chuckled. I don't giggle with boys.

"Okay 'Eric', it's really weird talking to exact same voice but seeing a very different person, you know?" I said teasingly stressing on 'Eric'

He smirked, "Trust me. It's a lot weirder when you're the one doing it" we both chuckled

I playfully rolled my eyes at him and opened my locker. I grabbed my stuff and closed the door when he started putting his hands on my things, "Let me take it" he said pulling it off of my arms

I hugged them tighter, "What?"

"Let me help you with these", he said

"Uhm, no, thank you Eric"

"Come on, I'll carry them for you"

I hesitated but I gave in when Shane caught my attention as he walked pass us not looking satisfied. Like he would probably punch someone who'd talk to him. He didn't even glanced up on me or at least gave Eric one of those boyish nods.

Now tell me. How could I help him if he'd be giving me that attitude? A least a simple 'hi' would work.

'He's so rude'

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