°°Chapter Twenty Five- Only for You°°

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Mike, I want you to take Kye and Nanny and take them to the Human World. They would be safe there, no wolf would track them. Take care of them, be like a father to Kye. Promise me!

I swear on my own life, my name, and body - nothing will happen to her. You can count on me Beautiful

It's been the last time since I saw or somehow spoke to Kayla. I took Kye and Penelope and drag them into the lands of today's lands of Germany, into the mountains. Thanks to the money that we had from selling our car, we bought a small house not far away from Rottach- Egern. It's a small town, nobody would search for us here.

We live a calm and fun life I would say, all of us were missing her. Especially me, I wonder what happened to her, did she stopped the war, what Ares has done to her...

I miss her, too much.

Sometimes I hear little Kye crying in her pillow, she also misses her. But I also notice that as strong as Kayla. She always wants to do everything by herself, trying to prove that she can do it. I love it.

We lived a simple life, preparing little Kye to join kindergarten. Nanny got a job as a cook in the town's restaurant, I was working as a construction worker. Physical work was distracting me from my thought's, sometimes when I could not sleep, I chopped wood. It could be all night long...

One night, when Kye went sleep, I and Penelope were sitting near the fireplace and playing chess. It was our new habit.

"Jenny was coming today, asking about you" I smiled to nanny as I made my move. "She's quite into you Milord"

"It's a shame I'm not, nanny." she made a move.

"Check" she smiled "Maybe you should give her a chance, it's been a long time since I've seen you with a female"

"What's the point? It'll be onesided love. Much more suffering for both of us" she sighed with a disappointment " I understand that you like her, nanny, I truly do, but I'm mateless. It's been decided by a higher power and there's nothing we can do about that" she nodded, agreeing with me.

I heard a knock in the door. We looked at each other with concern, it was late and we didn't expect anyone today. Grabbing my hidden sword under the fur cover that was above on the fireplace, I carefully approached to the door. I leaned closer to her what's going on, it was dead silence.

After a short moment, I opened the heavy wooden and looked around, there was no one, only a single letter on the wooden porch. The emblem of Cold Moutain Pack was on the front, from alpha.

Something inside me hit me like a bolt of lightning, my heart was pounding. I opened it, read it:


We need you here, It's urgent. Kayla returned and she's in a very bad state, she needs you.

-Boris Everett.


"Yes Milord?" she approached from behind waiting for me to finish.

"I have to go, won't be here for a while-"

"Say no more Milord, I'll take care of Kye, we'll be fine. Go" she patted my shoulder.

"Thank you, Penelope" I grabbed laying on the floor sword and left the house. Running into the woods, searching for the portal. When I found it, with no hesitation I entered it and after a short time, I was on the Rogue Land. It's pretty far from the Northern Mountains so I had to shift into my wolf form. Grabbing sword into my mouth I ran.

I ran with all might I had. I was scared and worried for my Little Kayla, a lot of questions were filling my brain. I was angry and full of rage for her mate. I knew it has to do something with him, and now, I have all rights to murder this sonofabitch. And I will, but now, Kayla is my priority.

I ran threw woods, fields and crossed mountains. It took me a few days when I finally reached the homeland. Guards let me in without hesitation. I've noticed packhouse recovered quickly after the attack. Alpha greeted me personally

"Alpha, what's with Kayla?" his face was sad.

Well, he kinda did, banishing his daughter and claiming her None. But it was different.

"She came here a few days ago. White-headed girl and other man brought her. She hasn't eaten for days, dinna spoke to anyone. Laying in bed."

"What happened?"

"It's Ares, Mike" I heard woman's voice, turned around and saw Yameter with crossed hands on her chest. Behind her was One-eyed man. "He did something that a loving woman can not bear." Anger was boiling in me, fists were hurting my skin.

"I'll murder him. I'll kill him and take his head as a trophy." I growled. I'll do it to him just like he did this to me, to my father.

"Of course you'll do that, lad. But first-"

"Kayla" she nodded and pointed where should I go.

"Go get some clothes, Mike," said Alpha. I went where was my room was and wear come shirt and jeans. I

Walking threw the hall, my heart was pumping like wild. I would finally see my Little Kayla. But it also hurts to think that she's in pain because of some damn fucker.

I knocked, no answer followed. I opened the door, the poor girl was laying on her side, long hair spread all over the bed, her back facing me. Curled in a ball I heard her deep breathing and barely navigating sobs.

"Hey, Beautiful" she squirmed, then stopped crying, holding her breath. I stepped closer and carefully sat on the bed.

"How are you?" she didn't reply, didn't move. She was pale as snow, white I would say. She was facing a wall, killing it with a glare. "You know, little Kye will go kindergarten soon." she was silent, but I knew she listened to me. " we live in Germany, in a small house, in mountains, just you dreamed. Not far away we have town and stables. I help the owner with rebuilding his barn, while Kye riding horses, she's really good-"

"-Just like her teacher," she said, rather whispered. I was relieved. Kayla slowly turned around, not sure of her decision, finally facing me. Puffy eyes from crying, empty gaze from hurt full of hope from my words.

She was ruined. I saw her hurt there, her pain. It was like a ruined house after a storm, that you can barely fix. Somehow I felt her, everything. It was hard for her to bear it on her own. I want to help her, to be herself again. To feel life and be life for others.

I lied there, with her. Kayla curled in my chest like a little puppy seeking for love.

"Want to talk about it?" no-reply "Want me to murder him?" she laughed a little before she looked at me "Maybe later."

"Well that's good that you're coming back" I teased. She smiled. "But you have to eat something, you don't want to become a walking skeleton, right?" her belly let out a growling reply.

"Guess you're right"

"Then let's get out of this smelly bed and get some fresh meat, I heard they have Deer Stake" we got up as her face changed, the light was coming back to her and I was happy.

"Just give me a moment, I'll change my clothes"

"I'll wait in a hallway." Kayla nodded as I went out of her room.

After a short moment, Kayla came out wearing jeans and hoodie that gave her a few years earlier. She always wears it when she feels shitty. That's how she hides, in a big cotton bag. " Looking charming" piggy laugh escapes her, as she says "Only for you"

"Too much of pleasure" I snapped. "Shall we go, Beautiful" she nodded as we went to the kitchen. She starts to smile and look better, and I'm happy. I hope that it'll be like it...

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